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Yoongi was in his room, meticulously preparing himself for the meeting with Namjoon. He had chosen to wear the same shirt and jeans that he had gifted Namjoon, wanting to create a sense of unity between them. However, there was a subtle difference - Namjoon's shirt was a pristine white, while Yoongi's was a deep, mysterious black. Both of them sported the same ripped blue jeans, symbolizing their shared experiences and memories.

As Yoongi stood in front of his room mirror, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. He wanted to look perfect for Namjoon, to make a lasting impression. After all, they had been friends since childhood, knowing each other inside out. But now, Yoongi was about to cross a line, venturing into uncharted territory. He had taken a risk by presenting Namjoon with a gift, accompanied by a heartfelt letter and a delicate necklace. It was a gesture that carried romantic undertones, something that could potentially change the dynamics of their friendship forever.

The weight of uncertainty pressed heavily on Yoongi's chest. What if Namjoon didn't wear the necklace? What if he didn't accept the gift at all? The thought of rejection gnawed at Yoongi's mind, fueling his fears. He worried that Namjoon might misunderstand the letter, perceiving it as an unwelcome advance. The mere thought of losing their friendship, of Namjoon hating him, sent shivers down Yoongi's spine.

Lost in his swirling thoughts, Yoongi suddenly found himself unable to breathe. The possibility of Namjoon never showing up at the park, of him despising Yoongi, became an unbearable weight on his shoulders. He sank onto his bed, clutching his chest as panic consumed him. What if Namjoon didn't want to see him anymore? What if he found Yoongi repulsive? The room seemed to close in on Yoongi as he stared blankly at the ceiling, his heart pounding in his ears.

Unbeknownst to Yoongi, his friend quietly entered the room, observing the turmoil that had taken hold of him. The friend's concerned gaze fell upon Yoongi, recognizing the depth of his distress. The air in the room grew heavy with unspoken emotions, as if the weight of Yoongi's fears had seeped into the very atmosphere.

"Hyung, are you ready?" Jimin asked, his voice filled with concern as he noticed the state Yoongi was in. The weight of Yoongi's overthinking was evident in his furrowed brows and distant gaze. Jimin knew that his friend's mind was racing, consumed by doubts and fears.

In an attempt to bring Yoongi back to reality, Jimin decided to jolt him out of his thoughts. With a sudden burst of energy, he shouted, "Min Yoongi!" The sound reverberated through the room, causing Yoongi to snap out of his trance-like state. His breathing became rapid, his eyes widened, and a flush of crimson spread across his cheeks. It was clear that Jimin's tactic had worked, but the underlying anxiety still lingered.

"Don't worry, Hyung. Namjoon will accept your proposal, okay?" Jimin reassured, his voice filled with unwavering confidence. "And even if he doesn't, it doesn't mean he will break your childhood friendship. But me and the others, we truly believe that he will accept." Jimin's words were laced with sincerity, a reflection of the unwavering faith he held in their friend's love for Yoongi.

They had all witnessed the undeniable love that radiated from Namjoon whenever he was in Yoongi's presence. The way his eyes sparkled with adoration, and the pain that etched into his features whenever Yoongi was hurting. It was a love that transcended friendship, a love that demanded to be acknowledged.

Yoongi's voice trembled as he questioned, "Are you sure? He will... he will accept me, right? He will come to the park?" The uncertainty in his words was palpable, his mind unable to fathom the possibility of such a momentous event.

With a gentle smile, Jimin placed a reassuring hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "He will come, Hyung. I have seen the longing in his eyes, the way he looks at you. It's undeniable. Now let's go, it's getting late. We need to reach the park before him." Jimin's voice held a sense of urgency, knowing that time was of the essence. They couldn't afford to be late; it would be strange if Namjoon arrived before Yoongi.

With a determined nod, Yoongi mustered the strength to stand up. His heart raced with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, his mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. Together, they left the safety of their shared space, venturing into the unknown.

They both reached Yoongi's car, the tension palpable in the air. Jimin insisted that Yoongi sit in the passenger seat, not wanting him to drive while consumed by his overthinking. So, Jimin took the driver's seat and started the engine, his hands trembling slightly.
Before they set off, Jimin couldn't help but ask, his voice filled with concern, "hyung, are you sure you didn't forget anything?"

Yoongi, his gaze fixed on the road ahead, replied in a low voice, "No, I made sure to take everything we needed." Jimin couldn't help but chuckle, a mixture of relief and amusement escaping his lips. Yoongi's piercing glare made him quickly stifle his laughter. "Why are you laughing?" Yoongi demanded, his voice laced with a hint of frustration. Jimin, finally managing to compose himself, replied, "Damn, hyung. You're so in love with Namjoon that you did everything perfectly. I'm just happy for you, that's all."

He couldn't contain his excitement, knowing that Yoongi was going to propose to Namjoon. As they drove, Yoongi's gaze wandered out the window, a shy smile playing on his lips. Suddenly, Yoongi's voice broke the silence, filled with urgency, "Jimin, stop driving!" Startled, Jimin hit the brakes, his heart pounding in his chest. "Hyung, what's wrong?!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock. Yoongi hastily got out of the car, scanning the surroundings, and called out, "Namjoon?!" Jimin sighed, realizing that Yoongi's anticipation had gotten the best of him.

Perhaps his hyung couldn't wait to see his beloved Namjoon, causing him to see glimpses of him everywhere. Jimin joined Yoongi outside the car, his voice filled with reassurance, "Hyung, Namjoon is not here." Yoongi's eyes met Jimin's, a mix of disappointment and confusion clouding his expression.

"No, I was sure it was Namjoon. I saw him running," Yoongi insisted, his voice filled with desperation. Jimin let out another sigh, trying to calm Yoongi's racing thoughts. "Hyung, if he already left for the park, he must be on this way. He'll probably take the shorter route since the park is near his house," Jimin reasoned, hoping to ease Yoongi's worries.

Yoongi nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "Hyung, maybe your mind is playing tricks on you," Jimin suggested gently, pulling Yoongi back towards the car. He took his place behind the wheel, determined to find a way to help Yoongi reunite with his beloved Namjoon. Yoongi, still peering out the window, couldn't shake the feeling that Namjoon was close by, desperately needing his help.

As they arrived at the park, Yoongi's eyes widened in awe at the breathtaking decorations his friends had prepared. The pathway leading to the cozy picnic area was adorned with a mesmerizing display of red and white rose petals, creating a romantic and enchanting atmosphere. String lights in vibrant shades of red and white were delicately hung along the pathway, casting a warm and magical glow.

In the center of the picnic area, a small table was elegantly set up, covered with a rich red tablecloth. Glass jars filled with flickering candles and lanterns were strategically placed around the table, emanating a soft and intimate ambiance. The air was filled with the sweet scent of the candles, creating an atmosphere of love and anticipation. The table itself was adorned with candle holders of various sizes, each holding a red or white candle, casting a gentle and romantic glow.

To complete the picture-perfect scene, his friends had added a stunning centerpiece of red and white flowers, carefully arranged to enhance the beauty of the surroundings. Throughout the park, touches of red and white were scattered, creating a cohesive and magical theme.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Yoongi looked at his friends with a heart full of happiness and sincerely thanked them. "Thank you all so much. If it weren't for your help, I don't know how I would have been able to create such a beautiful setting." Hoseok smiled warmly and replied, "That's what friends are for. We can't wait for you to propose to the love of your life."

With a grateful smile, Yoongi joined his friends as they sat on the beach, eagerly awaiting Namjoon's arrival. However, as time passed, it became apparent that Namjoon was not going to show up.

Words: 1469

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