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When Yoongi received a call from Seokjin, his heart instantly began to race. The news was devastating - they had found a body that bore a striking resemblance to Namjoon. But how could this be? Just the day before, Namjoon had been by Yoongi's side. The mere thought sent shivers down Yoongi's spine, filling him with an overwhelming sense of fear.

Yoongi knew he had to inform Namjoon's mother, but the weight of the words he would have to utter weighed heavily on his shoulders. She had already endured the unimaginable pain of losing her husband while giving birth to Namjoon. Now, the possibility of losing her only son threatened to shatter her heart into a million irreparable pieces. How could Yoongi bear to deliver such devastating news?

As Yoongi's mind raced, he couldn't help but dwell on the plans he had for that very day. He had been preparing to propose to Namjoon, to profess his undying love and commitment. But now, those dreams seemed to crumble before his eyes, replaced by a suffocating cloud of uncertainty and despair.

Yoongi's breaths came in rapid, shallow gasps as he spiraled into a whirlwind of overthinking. Each passing second only intensified the ache in his chest, as the reality of the situation threatened to consume him. The weight of the impending tragedy bore down on him, suffocating his every thought and leaving him feeling utterly helpless.

In that moment, Yoongi's world seemed to collapse, the walls closing in around him. The future he had envisioned with Namjoon shattered into a million shattered fragments, leaving behind a void that could never be filled. The pain of losing the love of his life before he could even utter those four life-changing words was a cruel twist of fate that Yoongi couldn't comprehend.

As tears welled up in his eyes, Yoongi clung to the faint glimmer of hope that this was all just a terrible mistake. But deep down, he knew that the truth would soon reveal itself, tearing apart the fragile threads of his heart and leaving him to face a reality that he never could have fathomed.

Yoongi's POV

Why didn't I propose to him when we last met? It's all my fault. I can't help but blame myself for what happened to Namjoon. If only I had before asked him to date me, maybe he wouldn't have been kidnapped. Why didn't I just take that chance? Why?

But maybe, just maybe, Namjoon isn't dead. Maybe the body Seokjin saw wasn't really him. It could be someone else. My heart tells me that Namjoon is still out there, but my mind is filled with doubt. That dream I had, it felt so real. I'm losing my sanity, and it's tearing me apart.


"Why?!" Yoongi's anguished cry echoed through the room, his voice filled with sorrow and regret. Tears streamed down his face as he collapsed onto the floor, his body trembling with grief. Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook rushed to his side, their own eyes welling up with tears at the sight of their friend in such agony.

Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi, holding him tightly as he too began to cry. "Hyung, he's going to be okay. We'll find him," he whispered, his voice filled with hope and desperation. Jungkook sat beside Yoongi, placing a comforting hand on his back. "Yes, hyung. Seokjin hyung is doing everything he can to locate Namjoon. We won't give up," he said, his voice filled with determination.

But Yoongi couldn't find solace in their words. Seokjin had already informed him that they had found a body, and they believed it to be Namjoon's. The weight of that knowledge crushed Yoongi's spirit, rendering him deaf to the reassurances of his friends.

In his despair, Yoongi's emotions turned into a storm of anger and self-blame. He lashed out, hitting himself and pulling at his hair, punishing himself for what he believed to be his own failures. Jimin's fear grew as he witnessed Yoongi's self-destructive behavior.

She sprinted up the stairs, her heart pounding in her chest, and burst into Namjoon's room where Yoongi and the others were gathered. The closer she got, the clearer she could hear Yoongi's sobs, and her own eyes welled up with tears. Yoongi, who rarely showed his emotions so openly, must have received an update from Seokjin about her missing son. With trembling hands, she unlocked the door and stepped inside, her fear growing with each passing second.

The sight that greeted her shattered her heart into a million pieces. Yoongi sat on the floor, pulling at his hair in anguish, while Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok desperately tried to console him. Jimin's frantic voice reached her ears as he rushed towards her, pleading, "Mrs. Kim, please do something! Yoongi received a call from Seokjin, and he hasn't stopped crying since. I'm scared."

Her own tears streaming down her face, she approached Yoongi, her touch gentle as she took hold of his trembling hand, still entangled in his hair. Yoongi's cries subsided momentarily as he registered Namjoon's mother's presence, his breathing heavy and erratic. He clung to her tightly, seeking solace in her embrace, and she understood the depth of his pain.

"Namjoon?" she choked out, her voice breaking as she held Yoongi close, their shared grief intertwining. Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook watched the heart-wrenching scene unfold before them, their eyes wide with shock and sorrow. Jungkook, unable to bear the weight of the unknown any longer, dialed his cousin Seokjin's number, desperate for answers. He left the room, leaving the rest to confront the devastating news that awaited them.

Yoongi struggled to find the words amidst his sobs, his hiccups interrupting his attempts to speak. Namjoon's mother gently rubbed his back, her own heart on the verge of exploding with anguish. Finally, when Yoongi managed to calm himself down, he uttered the words that shattered their world.

"Officer Seokjin called... They found a body," he choked out, his voice filled with pain. Namjoon's mother clung to Yoongi even tighter, her faith in his arms the only thing keeping her from collapsing. "They believe... they believe that the body they found is Joon," he whispered, the weight of the truth crashing down on them all. Jimin and Hoseok's eyes widened in shock, their hearts breaking alongside Namjoon's mother's.

Namjoon's mom's heart sank as Yoongi delivered the devastating news. Her mind couldn't comprehend what she had just heard. Her precious son, Namjoon, was gone. Tears streamed down her face as she clung onto Yoongi, hoping that this was all just a nightmare.

Jimin and Hoseok stood in shock, unable to process the news. They had all grown close to Namjoon over the years, and the thought of him being gone was too much to bear.

Namjoon's mom couldn't believe that her worst fears had come true. She had prayed every day for her son's safe return, but now she was faced with the reality that he was never coming back.

As she sat there, holding onto Yoongi, memories of Namjoon flooded her mind. She remembered his infectious smile, his love for music, and his kind heart. She couldn't believe that she would never see him again.

As Namjoon's mom tried to process the news, Yoongi continued to explain what Seokjin had told him. "They're still doing tests to confirm it's him, but the body matches his description and was found in the same area where he went missing," he said, his voice breaking with emotion.

Namjoon's mom felt a wave of nausea wash over her as she imagined her son's lifeless body lying somewhere, where they found his body. She couldn't believe this was happening, couldn't believe that after all this time, they had finally found him, but not in the way they had hoped.

She clung to Yoongi, her tears soaking his shirt as she tried to come to terms with the news. "I can't lose him," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Not like this."

Yoongi held her tighter, his own tears falling freely now. He knew how much Namjoon meant to her, how much she had sacrificed to find him. He couldn't bear to see her in so much pain, but he knew there was nothing he could do to take it away.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Namjoon's mom pulled away from Yoongi, her eyes red and swollen from crying. "We have to go there," she said, her voice shaking with emotion. "We have to see for ourselves."

Yoongi nodded, understanding the need to have closure, to know for sure if it was Namjoon. They all stood up, ready to face whatever lay ahead, but with heavy hearts and tears in their eyes.

Words: 1463

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