Chapter 42

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You sit on the couch, hands clasped against your mouth. It's been a few minutes since anyone has said anything. Freddy kneels before you and the young boy, apparently Gregory, stands close behind the animatronic as if hiding from you. A heavy, warm hand settles on your knee, his thumb circling across the fabric of your pants to ease the evident shock you're experiencing.

Music Man lays on your lap in an unbothered manner, giant eyes staring up at you as if waiting for a reaction.

Nothing comes from you though as you process the story told to you by Freddy, accompanied by Gregory's little comments that corrected the story. It seems odd, a child correcting an intelligent AI within an animatronic. But then again, you were also too peeved to think deeply about it.

Edward had only managed to close the Pizza-Plex for a day. Today while you were gone, it was opened again. Just as expected, it ended up in disaster. There was a whole concert where Freddy malfunctioned in front of nearly a hundred children and their parents.

It wasn't a good look by any means and the situation could have ended worse if it had been the other three who had malfunctioned. The glitches and changes were too unpredictable now, if even Freddy had been affected. Which leaves you with more opportunities to get hurt. Yet even when you're thinking of yourself, there's a much larger conflict at hand as well. Namely the little boy hiding from view as he peeks from behind Freddy.

"So... let me get this straight," you speak up, leaning against the the back of the couch as your mind tried sorting through the events you were told. 

"You snuck into the Pizza-Plex somehow. But Vanessa had seen you." The boy nods twice, his wide brown eyes glancing  between Music Man on your lap and you. "You made it sound like she was trying to harm you."

Now, Vanessa did come off as a bitch, you'll admit that. Would she ever actually hurt a child though? The doubts lingered heavily on your mind and for just a second you believed the young boy was just scared and over-exaggerated his story. You knew yourself that frightening situations can lead to hysteric reactions. Only when your eyes meet Gregory's fearful gaze, you can't help but believe the little boy. With a heavy sigh, you stand up from the catch, cradling Music Man in your arms as it hums a deep note. 

"Alright... let's see if we can help you then. But you have to listen to Freddy and I, okay? There is far too much going on to risk anyone's life right now, human or not." You cast a glance towards Freddy, whose ears wiggle in agreement. "If I see Vanessa, let me talk to her. I'm sure she just seems mean-"

Only your words are interrupted as Gregory pipes up, his hand holding onto the animatronics as if it's the only thing keeping him grounded and safe. "No! You don't understand, she wants to kill me!" Immediately your hand clasps over his mouth, trying to keep his loud voice at a quieter volume. Yet all he does is fight against you, muffled words becoming more clear as he tries to force your hand away.

Suddenly you recoil as something wet flattens against your palm, causing you to shout in disgust. "Ew! Did you just lick me?" 

"You were covering my mouth!"

"That doesn't mean you have to lick me!" You retort quickly, wiping the saliva off on your pants. Freddy steps in between the two of you, his eyebrows turned up in concern as he places a heavy hand on your shoulder. "Please, do not fight. Your stress levels are heightened to a dangerous level that can cause potential heart problems. Take a few deep breaths."

Pinching the bridge of your nose, you sigh and gesture to yourself. "Look, Gregory... I really, really need you to behave and listen. There are three animatronics, god knows where right now, who have the ability to cause major harm. Especially to a kid as small as you." 

"Hey, I'm not small-"

You look down at him, a serious expression plastered on your face. It's enough for him to become quiet once again. 

"I've seen what they can do. Even if they do not mean to hurt others." Kneeling to the floor so your level with the kid, your head tilts as you speak quietly. "They're my friends. Right now though, they can't always control what they do. So whether the Glamrock Gang knows you or not, we cannot risk your safety."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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