Chapter 21

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Well, this wasn't how you expected this night to go. Or morning, however, you want to call it.

Somehow, Freddy and you managed to lure to the lower level of the Pizza-Plex, where the main technician and robotic diagnosis ran. You had been down there yet, having no reason nor responsibilities to take care in the area.

If you weren't so freaked out by Chica, and the eerie silence of the long hallways we were in, you would've laughed at the scene before you. Freddy walked backward, keeping you at his side as he used his other hand to wave a flimsy piece of pizza. It was just the trick needed.

The memory of her digging through the trash and choking her gears made you feel uneasy, a shiver shooting down your spine. Freddy glanced in your direction, feeling the shudder and you knew he was checking my heartbeat.

It was a habit of his he seemed to have picked up while you were around, constantly checking on you. You weren't complaining though, finding it sweet.

Soon, you could see a room, with large windows providing insight into whatever lay in there. the animatronic's heavy footsteps echoed against the concrete floor and you found yourself holding bated breath as you watched Freddy look between Chica and the doors leading into the room.

He gently pressed his large, metal hand into the small of your back, ushering me forward.

"Y/N, when we enter, I will lead Chica into the chamber that lies in the center. Near the entrance of it, will be a computer that will have a series of entries and instructions for a repair. You must find Chica's instructions while I power her down so she may not try to resist."

"Resist?" You squeaked. You had meant to sound less of a wimp, yet the thought of her becoming a threat had worry cloud my mind for a moment. The small memory of Moon calling you a mouse was distant.

He was right in doing so.

Your attention was caught again by the sudden movement within the cylinder like room. Freddy let out a surprised grunt as Chica snapped her beak, taking the pizza slice from his hand.

"Y/N, I need you to be ready to close the door. Okay, superstar?" The bear asked, moving to the back of Chica as her gears grinded together. You couldn't help but cringe a bit as the cheese slung across her beak as her voicebox let out a strangled screeched.

If this was going to fix her, you would do whatever necessary, hoping to have time after to clean her up and find the others to see if they too had been infected by whatever bug was plaguing their systems.

It wasn't exactly your position to be messing around with the animatronics inner mechanics, but there weren't many options that had a good solution to your current problem. All you could do is get the job done now before opening and alert Edward about tonight's events.

Minus the movie part, you had a sneaking suspicion that he might not like that very much.

You watched Freddy maneuver around Chica once again, and not even a second later did her voicebox begin to stutter, her movements becoming slow and jittery. Finally, her head lolled to the side, her metal body limp. It was time to test your skills.

Which you did not have.

The clicking of the mouse was the only sound filling the room. Green lettering across a black screen reflected in your eyes, which searched for the instructions to the inner workings of her system. You had to find what made her tick.

Freddy stood in silence, his eyes rarely straying from Chica unless it was to look at you. He offered a small smile of encouragement.

If he had said something, you had no doubt he would call you a superstar. You liked the nickname a lot more than you wanted to admit.

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