Chapter 28

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You shrieked in happiness as you were lifted from my spot, Roxanne twirling around as her arms wrapped around your body in a bear-hug.. wolf-hug maybe? 

There wasn't much thought given about it, not when you were receiving one of the best hugs from a friend. She appeared in much better shape, and the ponytail was a cute, new addition to her look. 

A whine whirred from her voicebox as she put you down finally, engulfing her snout with her hands. "Punk, I can't explain how sorry I am. We never wanted to harm ya, not our friend, no." Her golden irises peered at you, a plead to believe her words. Yet there was nothing to plead for. You never held what happened against them, not when they had no control over it. Without saying a word you reached up, standing on your tippy toes to scratch at the fluff behind her ears.

There was almost an immediate response to the action, her head lowering to allow you a better angle. It wasn't even surprising that she could feel the scratches. Questioning how they function and work was something you no longer cared about. They were like any other living being as far as you were concerned

The faint 'hmph' didn't go unnoticed by you, but as you turned to ask Monty what was wrong, he had left the room, heading into the back hallway. 

Roxanne peered at the doorway, no doubt wondering what you were to. Her head cocked to the side before she patted you on the head. "He'll be okay. Why don't ya go see Freddy and Chica while I talk to the gator? I know Freddy is worried out of his system about you right now."

She gestures towards the area outside of the room. "They're on the main stage down on the main level."

Nodding, you bid farewell to the wolf. It wasn't long before you found the other two animatronics, their voices echoing from the center stage down below. As you headed down, no dazzling lights gleamed and shined, and the music was even fainter as they played from the speakers.

You weren't even at the stage before Freddy spotted you. His smile was contagious as his ears wiggled eagerly, and you couldn't help but return a grin of your own. He jumped down from the stage, Chica on his tail. 

"My superstar!" He exclaimed, scooping you into a hug, that could actually be called a bear hug. His soft fur and familiar comfort were welcomed as you felt your body relax instantly into him. You feel another pair of arms wrap around you, the soft feathers of Chica tickling your arms. 

"I'm so relieved to see you guys up and going. I was beyond worried, you had no clue how much sooner I wanted to come back after my last shift."

"We are okay, thanks to you."

Freddy's eyes glowed with warmth, his words sincere. Chica chirped in agreement, her head bowing down to look at you. Even as the shortest one of the gang, she still stood taller than you. You found yourself thinking how you wouldn't change a thing about them, loving the giant characters as they are. 

You sighed in relief, knowing everyone was okay.


Glancing between them, you furrowed your brows, wondering what you'd forgotten. 

Before they could answer a question you haven't asked, you gasped, practically jumping out of Freddy's gentle hands. The two watched with concern and surprise, wondering what caused a reaction from you.

"How are Moon and Sun? Are they okay, have they been repaired?" You began asking, already on your way to the daycare to search for the daycare attendant. Yet as you began climbing onto the unmoving escalator, you felt metal clamp gently around your arm. Freddy fixed his gaze on your face, shaking his head as he began ushering you away with his hand moving down to hold yours.

He seemed hesitant, mouth opening and closing as his expression read one of being unsure. The sinking feeling of uneasiness and worry settled onto your heart when you realized all was not well after all. 

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