Chapter 25

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?? POV

She sat down with a heavy 'oomph', lazily wiping at the oil and grease slathered across her hands. The alligator animatronic has done some serious damage she wasn't pleased with.

Broken bits of the endoskeleton had sharp edges now, and it wasn't exactly easy for her to maneuver around the security system without almost triggering some damn protocol that would make the job harder. Not to mention the counterparts of the regular daycare attendant.

The other two sat by quietly, watching her movements as she worked.

For two robots, they seemed awfully concerned about how the daycare attendant was doing. Their brows were drawn together in worry, lips tilting ever so slightly downwards.

The woman huffed in frustration, not caring about the mess on her uniform and hands as she pulled her hair back into a tighter bun, the curls sticking to her fingers. The cleanup would take awhile, but nothing a hot shower wouldn't fix.

Right now, her main responsibility was to get this thing up and going again in time. When Edward Lush had called her in at a time way too early for her liking, she'd almost hung up when he told her. She didn't though, not when the hours would count and she'd be paid extra.

Why he didn't call the usual morning shift mechanics, she doesn't know, but she also doesn't care. She was the one getting the money in the end.

Ever since she'd been forced to start looking for a new apartment due to raised rent, money had become tight on her end.

Now she was here.

Fixing up a moon-faced jester.

Oh yeah, totally worth the six years she spent at college working for those degrees in engineering. Sleepless nights and so and so..

"Oh for Christ-!" The hiss of pain she let out caused alarm to the nearby bear animatronic. He moved forward ready to assist the mechanic until she shot out her hand in his direction, palm facing towards him.

"Chill out Fazebear, it's just a small cut, caught me by surprise." She gritted through clench teeth, more focused on trying to clean off her hand to avoid any infections that could be caused by the leftover residue of oil.

The cool water from the nearby sink was a relief, and it wasn't long before she dried off her hand and started rummaging through the bottom cabinets outside the cylinder. A first-aid kit should be placed somewhere in them. "Where the heck..aha!"

She let out a triumphant cry, holding out the red bag with a smug smirk. "I just know for a fact Lenny hid this farther back, that bastard," the woman set it down before her, chuckling to herself.

Cleaning off the cut with some antibacterial wipes and patching up her hand before wrapping it in some gauze, she went straight back to what she was doing. The quiet had returned save for the few curses and sounds of metal clacking together as she moved the moon's parts.

And than the doors swung open.

In comes the damn alligator that had tried tearing apart the daycare attendant. Much to her surprise, was the girl sitting on his arm as he carried her in.

Her eyes widened, obviously taking in the sight before her of all four of them.

No one said a word, and suddenly the bear moved from his spot, heading straight towards the newcomers. The girl looked alarmed, and quickly went to go down, almost falling in the process.

She had to admit it, she was intrigued by what was doing as she watched her begin explaining something to Fazbear.

Than the intrigue became shock as the woman watched Fazebear's hands cup the girl's face, and she copied his actions. More hushed words came flying from her mouth, almost muffled. Her eyes finally left his, and connected with hers.

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