Chapter three : Rules

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Sorry for taking a while to finish this chapter. Got busy but here!


(Author's POV)
Its the next morning after you found the Countryhumans or that's what they say. You saw that no one was awake then you remember its 7 in the morning.. So you wanted to annoy them even though you hadn't known them well enough.

You just want to annoy someone today so you grab two pans and starts to hitting them together. "WAKE UP FUCKERS" You yelled out and keeped banging the pans together while smiling now. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" America yelled at you and now walking to the kitchen while rubbing his eyes.

"How about no!" You told him then you see the rest of the countries walking down the hall to the kitchen meanwhile Mexico was already sitting at the dinner table. "God what's with the banging with the damn pans?!" The United Kingdom said in a pissed off tone.

"Just the person wanting to fucking wake us up" Russia said. "Miss Y/n why in the heck would you wake us up at 7 am in the morning?" France asked you. "So i could tell you the rules" You smiled innocently. "Well may you say it?" Germany asked you.

"First, You won't enter the basement without permission. Second, You may enter my room if there's an emergency and if not then dont enter my room.Third , please dont try and kill each other thats all." You told them.The countries nodded in understanding. "Okay now what do y'all want to eat?" You asked them.

"And you have to agree with each other because I cannot make different foods from other countries." You told them again. "Uh alright?" Spain said.They talked & talked for what seemed like forever but 10 mins later.

"We agreed on pan dulce. ( Sugar bread)" Mexico told you. "Okay I have some and what do y'all want to drink with that?" You asked them. "I'll like some Mint tea" the United Kingdom and France told you." Some coffee please" Spain and Mexico asked. "Water please." Russia,Germany and America said.

"Alright here" You said to them then handed out the pan dulce (sugar bread) and their drinks. They start to eat after 20 mins and they finish eating the food. 

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