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Next week is my birthday. Normally I'd have butterflies exploding in my stomach but thinking of it now just makes me sad and upset.

Would he still want to sleep with me knowing I had makeup on the entire time? Maybe I should stop wearing Makeup.

I'm not gonna lie. I don't live like this in Jamaica. Wake up every morning to already cooked breakfasts, having some form of power knowing I can snap my fingers and what I want would be done, not having to harshly pay the consequences of being able to hurt someone when they get on my nerves, living in a house bigger than an island, wear strictly name brand clothes and expensive perfumes. Having anything I want.

If I didn't love my parents and Tash, I would never give one fuck about going back to Jamaica.

But, there, I have a life and it's not like I hated the life I had there I loved it. I'm not used to any of this that I'm getting now and I feel guilty enjoying it knowing my parents and Tash aren't here to enjoy it as well.

Sometimes I miss cooking on my own even though I didn't like it then, I miss talking to Tash every time she would come over, I miss my parents, I miss my job and I miss my apartment.

I miss when I could smell the scent of Tash's perfume lingering around the house and the stew chicken cooking. It smelt great.

I miss my fucking phone.

Maybe being single was right for me. Because now I feel like I'm in this controlling relationship. It feels bad.

Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad,

And the worst part is,

With makeup, I was too pretty for this.

I don't like that I felt controlled by Vladimir.

I don't like that I feel like a prisoner in his house. With all these doors and cameras and guards. Seriously, what did he do for a living? Maybe he's a scammer or a gangster.

Or maybe he had a really good-paying Job. A very good paying one.

I wonder what my peeps are doing.
It was around 3 pm. I should go check outside my room.

I walked through the halls stopping at his bedroom door. Was he in there? I want to open it but at the same time, I don't.

Maybe I should. Before my hand could even hold the door by it's handle it opened startling me.

In front of me stood Vladbitch fully dressed. Like dressed, dressed. Where was he going?

His eyebrows furrowed seeing me already there.

"Where are you going?"

"To an event. Why?" he answered eyebrows still furrowed.

"So, you aren't gonna ask me if I would like to come with you?"

"That's not your purpose here" he answers before closing his door and walking away leaving no room for argument.

A soon slap him in a him big ugly face.

I just want to go home.

I roll my eyes at the stupid cameras that invade my privacy 24/7


"Hope you aren't too busy at your event Vladimir." he scoffed with a smile before making his way down the flight of stairs.

Yuh like invade people privacy nuh. Alright

My package should be here by 5:30

Vladimir's POV:


JADA  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now