Punishment Or Not?

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It's been 2 days since I've been in 'My' room without food or water. And dem pussyole guard yah weh nuh stop look pan mi.

I didn't mean to hurt Vladbitch in such a manner it just happened. Plus a fi him fault mi tell him mi wah go home.

"Mi fucking hungry" I told both guards who stayed Silent in response.


"Ne otkryvayte dver' "
Translation: "Do not open the door"

The guard on the left spoke to the one on the right whom my actions had an impact on.

I see what I'm going to have to do.

Moving towards them, Simultaneously, both guards pointed their guns at me. That wasn't nice and it's not fair.


Anyhow the dick live the next time mi claat him in a fi him pussyclaat again him ago know sumn.

From that night up until now I don't eat nothing.


It's been 3 hours Since. Thanks to the clock on the wall.

I woke up from maybe the hundredth nap I have taken since then. It was no longer day time as it looked dark.

I'm not surprised if I find the two little perverts still standing there. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I switch the lamp on. Immediately, I am met with the familiar tray from 2 days ago filled with food along with refreshments. Taking a good look at it, it looked like stewed chicken and white rice. So they eat this too or they're preparing it specifically for me?

The juice and water is in a sealed bottle those I will drink. Mi nuh too trust dem people yah food fi eat, eat it like dat.

Turning to look for the Guards, guess who I saw? Vladbitch him self with an ugly patch on the side of his head. Woiiii if I eva laugh I pop up.

Why is he in here tho?

"You look stunning" I Complimented with maybe the most obvious fake smile ever. Well it wasn't entirely a lie his black sweat pants and white T-shirt really did compliment his body.

He chuckled at my statement.

" I want to go home."

He leaned back getting comfortable in the chair waiting for me to say something else.

Now that I think about it, Vladbitch sat there in the dark watching me sleep.


"Look, Vladb- whatever yuh wan name, I'm sorry. But, you kidnapped me here away from my family and friend without any connection to them. What was I to do?" him just unconsionable.

He just sat there with the small smirk all over his stupidly handsome face.

"You're only apologizing for agreement here Jada and I believe I already told you what I want and the reason you're here."

So, him really expect me to apologize after him kidnap me and bring me here? Tell you bout Valdbitch.

"And I believe I already told you it ain't happening  so stop wasting time and just send me back home. Where even am I?" him keep on a chuckle and it keep on a irritate mi.

"Vorchlivyy, you're in Russia." Mi know mi neva deh Jamaica. But, Russia?

"Wait, so you're Russian?"

"Yes, Vorchlivyy" Weh dat even mean?

"What does that thing or name that you keep calling me mean?"

He sighed softly itching his cheek.

"Nothing." I squinted my eyes towards him signaling a challenge. All to which he stared back in a calm amused way.

"So, are you going to explain why you have more guards than a royal family and more cameras than an expensive jewelry store?" He massaged his temple with closed eyes to my question. A weh him do tiad a mi?

Bwoy mi nuh know if  dat would a good or bad. Caaz if him tiad a mi what if him kill mi or what if him send me back to where I'm coming from? That would be good.

A it mi nuh like wid man dem nuh wan settle dung before dem talk bout Pussy.

"Next question" he finally answered.

"No ansa dat first." him and him laughing again.

"It's the type of work that I do. I'll speak further on the topic another time." so a wah kind a work dat.

"Am I not getting like..punished or whatever for yesterday?' I wanted to know why he seemed so chill.

He chuckled at my question.

"For what? Trying to kill me? I'm used to it. Alright, its going to take more than a lamp to kill me Jada. Next question."


"Who watches all the cameras?"

" The cameramen and me."

"Including the one in this room?"

"I'm the only one who watches this one Jada."

"All the time?"

"Everytime when I'm not in here and have the time I do watch it"

Oh, ok. I see.

To his answer I dropped the sheets so the upper half of my body was on display and the lower half remained covered by the sheets

To this, Vladimir, shifted in his seat and inhaled deeply

"Should I leave? The last time some stunt like this of yours was pulled I ended up unconscious. "

"you can leave if you want to. I don't feel violent tonight though. " I answered. The seductive smile never leaving my lips.

He nodded in response.

"In that case, Good night Jada. You should eat. I'm not like you who try to kill people without a reason Vorchlivyy." He said before leaving my room and closing the door.

Did he just turn me down without even turning me down? Alright.


The food tasted great. Jamaicans cook it better though.

I relaxed in bed watching TV after eating. I missed my parents and Tash.

Why did he not mention any opinion of his toward my actions? Like me almost killing him with the lamp.



JADA  (18+)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ