Deals And Conclusions

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Jamaica's nice. It's like a little semi-vacation for me however business still gets involved.

I'm here to close the deal with the Italian mafia. My focus shouldn't be sidetracked from that. But the ladies here and the food makes it hard. The women here did win the genetic lottery.

I needed to visit Jamaica more often. If work doesn't become too much.

The one-week stay I have in Jamaica has been going well so far it's just that one cashier that brings a scowl to my face.

"ciao," Leonardo greets interrupting my thoughts. He takes his seat in front of me with his signature smile that fools the eyes of those who are clueless about him. This is most Jamaicans I believe, even though they always seem so amused seeing another race in their country

"Let's keep this brief my eyes need more Jamaican experience" he added. Ok?

"10% is yours"

"10% of what exactly," I asked leaning back in my chair and taking a sip of my soursop juice. It's good.

Of course, I don't expect the most honest answer to my question there should be at least an accurate estimate though.

"10% of 5.6 billion dollars" I place my drink on the table.

"I don't know Leonardo, does that seem fair to you?"

"I had more resources" Now he just sounds childish.

"Regardless, without my help the business wouldn't have worked," I reasoned.

"Relax. Besides, that's nothing compared to what you or I have handled-"

"So, why are you being unfair about it?" What need did he not feel to be humble here at this table?



"No" he replied his voice still sounding heavy voice heavily accentuated. Oh?

"Doesn't it seem a little petty having our acquaintance end due to your selfishness Leonardo?" he looked at me with no reaction whatsoever. I took another sip of my drink savouring the taste. New favorite drink of Jamaica?

"Regardless Leonardo, you being unfair will not be obtained by me that's for sure. Having more resources somehow makes your job easier. However, cooperating with fools amongst other things that I do to run your little business is a hard task. 560 million won't cut it"

"Word still stands Vladimir" What do I expect from the inventor of difficult

"If I have to get my fair share by force it could start never-ending wars Leonardo, and I know you know that." Of course not I wasn't going to let billions put an ally and me to war but Leonardo needed to know exactly where he stood with me.

He chuckled at my statement pointing his finger towards me.

"Humble yourself Vladimir" What did he mean? What about my tone of voice and demeanor didn't seem humble speaking to a guy who was trying to serve me unfairly while having a demanding attitude added to it. Was I being too humble?

Well, obviously.

"Alright Leonardo, you'll run your business on your own. After all, it's the attitude you have. Anyone hearing the way you speak to me without hearing the full story would swear I'm the beggar trying to pass my place. Hence, that's not the case"

While listening, he looked lost in thought.

"Alright, 15" What changed?

"That was my original offer, Leonardo, what changed? Now that you understand the value I bring here is where interest is brought up. Make that 50%" consequences of being difficult. If you ask me he's being humbled.


"Why is the topic being changed, Leonardo?" 'Brief' long forgotten?

Why is my money being thought of given to me? Pretty humble if you ask me.

He sighed. Hard and long.


"mmmhm? Yes or no?"

"Yes Vladimir" he answered sighing in defeat.

"È sempre una via di mezzo nel fare affari con te" I replied mocking his smile from earlier
Translation: "It's always in between doing business with you"

I finished my drink getting up from my seat.

Walking a good distance from Leonardo I made a call to one of my go-to men.

"Zaplaniruyte vstrechu mezhdu mnoy i Lorentso Richchi."
Translation: "Schedule a meeting between Lorenzo Ricci and I"

"Da, nachal'nik"
Translation: "Yes, boss"

I should go get some sleep. I haven't slept for 2 days it's just hard to. And then the cashier that keeps visiting my mind makes it harder.

I don't favor her or her attitude. Her throwing up and I just have her come off as annoying.


Why is he whining?

Guys in so sorry this must be so cringe😭😭 I'm Sorry. Also, remember to vote and comment I love you all

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