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Nobuhlebenkosazane POV

I run to my room as Nhlonipho follows behind me not running though , he walks very fast taking huge steps and I know that if I'm not fast enough he will catch me .

"Benkosazane Wami if you don't give me back my phone I'll kick your ass" he says walking towards me , I'm already in the bedroom , and I have no where to run too now , as he is standing near the door , he catches me looking at it , and closes it quickly before I run off again , but I already knew that plan was going to backfire.

I just giggle and look at him "This weekend is for the both of us , no work , no phones , no disturbance Nhlonipho" I say firmly , he was the one who told me that he'll not touch his phone since he wants to focus on me , soon he'll be leaving again , do we're spending this time to make some memories.

I take my phone that was ontop of the chest of drawers and his phone to the safe that is in my wardrobe , opening it up and putting them inside quickly before he does something.

" Benkosazane " he tries to stop me , but no I ain't hearing anything from him , today he said he'll take me to the beach , so to the beach is where we're going .

" no " I say , locking the safe after putting our phones inside , he can have it after we come back from the beach , I know how important his phone is if his away from work so I won't be that cruel , I just want to spend some time with him without anyone disturbing us , I want it to be just the two of us and no one else .

" I love you Sthandwa Sami " (my love ) he says , but I know that he's trying to bribe me with his words , but nothing like that is going to work on me ! I refuse.

" I know and you won't be getting your phone anytime soon " I say trying to hold my laughter , this one thinks his smart , but I know these tricks , he should try some other ones , these ones bore me .

" fine " he says winning but finally giving up walking towards me .

He has been on his phone since he got here , sigh , today marks 3 months of us being in a relationship , we have been exploring each other as a couple , Both Emotional and physical , he has been there to hear my venting and stuff and I've
been there too for him even though he does not vent mostly like I usually do , I mean if something happened that I did not like , I'll literally complain to him about it , sometimes he'd Laugh at me and sometimes he'd give me advices which I appreciate very much , I sometimes tend to be a cry baby , but his glad that I'm his cry baby , something that any man would be irritated of . And physical we've been exploring each other.

I giggle when I think about the time he first performed oral sex to me , where I received my very first orgasm , which was a month ago .

]|Flash back|[

I wake up and go to the kitchen , it was difficult untangling his arm that were holding on tight to Me , but by God's grace I managed to free my self from him without waking him up , and I know how grumpy he sometimes tend to be if he is woken up.

I walk to the kitchen and opening the cupboards and also the fridge I start taking out ingredients that I'll need for breakfast that I'll be making for him , breakfast in bed

I make him 2 fried eggs , bacon , toasted bread with butter , I have "stock" here in the house I love it shem , it's my favourite margarine , I just do not love the other brands , I then place slices of tomato and cucumber , and sausages on the side , I then sprinkle a pinch of salt so that it'll have taste , and I pour in chilly source on the side near the eggs . I don't know if he will want it or not , but hot food is his favourite , he can't eat something that doesn't have hot pepper sometimes.

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