Part 6

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                                    Zachs pov
She stared out the window, I followed her eyes outside, her "family friend"  didn't stay very long. Casey was tense the rest of the night, she didn't touch our food once, even when I threw chips at her face.
"Cmon Casey eat something"
She smiled at me.
"Didn't know you cared"
I threw another chip at her.
"Stop your wasting them"
She gave me a look, and picked up the freshly thrown chips and placed them on the plate in front of her, she'd been doing that all night.
"You have to eat something or else."
She narrowed her eyes at me.
She probably thought I was playing, I stick to my word though.
"Or else what?"
She crossed her arms and leant back in her chair.
"I don't get why you care so much"
I smiled cheekily at her whilst she sent daggers at me.
"Zach your only embarrassing yourself"
"2.. seems yapper doesn't have much to say huh?"
I rose from my chair and Casey looked around the room, heads curiously turned over towards us.
She grabbed my shirt and tried to pull me back down,
She wishes.
"2 and three quarters"
"Zach stop"
I put one foot on the chair, signaling that im gonna stand up on it.
I jumped up on the chair just in time for her to shove a chip into her mouth.
"There are you happy I'm eating the grotty chips"
I sat back down, people turned away whispering about the boy that just jumped on a chair, I was glad I didn't have to humiliate myself in front of all these people anymore than I just did. to be honest I don't even know what I would have done on the chair I was just happy she finally shoved something in her gob.
We talked for the rest of the night, it was weird, I was never one for talking but with her I just couldn't shut up. I hating when people were touching me but with her I wanted to pull her close to me and never let go, it's like I was a whole new person with her, a better person.
She had all of 5 chips. Honestly not worth standing up on a chair but better than nothing. I offered to drive her home several times but she insisted on getting her car from the school and driving home herself.
"If my dad sees me getting dropped of by a boy, god he'd go crazy"
When we got to the school I walked her to her car, it was spitting slightly, not to much to get us soaked or anything,
"I'll talk to you tomorrow?"
I don't know why I whispered, we were alone, maybe for the ambiance
"I'd love that."
She smiled up at me. God that fucking smile. She's so beutifull.
I kissed her softly on her lips, waiting for her to engage more in the kiss, when she did she slid her tongue along my lips, I chuckled, she didn't seem one to be good at kissing, or like one who had even had a kiss yet.
The kiss became fiery and passionate in a second, her hands in my hair, mine on her waist, I slowly stretched my hands up her back under her top, if was hot,
Did I make her hot?
I pushed her up against her car, she winced and pulled away from me,
Fuck did I hurt her?
I leaned back not moving my arms that were protectively clamped onto her hips.
Her eyes were screwed shut. And her lips tucked into her mouth.
I leant down to her face
"I'm so sorry"
I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, if she hadn't glued her eyes shut she would have said I was wooing her.
She grabbed my hand, witch was still behind her ear, the other still grasping onto her body.
Her eyes were still shut, not as tightly.
She slowly opened them and looked at me, she had tears in her eyes that hadn't yet fallen.
"It's not you Zach, you didn't do anything wrong"
I pulled her hand closer to me, grasping onto it tighter.
"What was it then?"
"I just hurt my back a little while ago the car was putting pressure on it, it just hurt a bit."
I sighed in relief.
I remeber she told me she fell down the stair, it wouldn't still be hurting if that was true though. Even though I was relieved, It wasn't me, well it was me for pushing her against the car but it wasn't me who originally hurt her, it then made my bloods boil at the thought that someone else had.
"How long ago did you hurt it."
"Maybe 2-3 days ago, just hurts when it touched anything."
She laughed a little, though I could tell it was fake, her real laugh was infectious, this one made me want to cry.
I don't cry
"How's you do it?"
I waited for a slip up in her story, maybe catch her in a lie, I both didn't and did want to catch her in this lie.
She looked down at her feet, wiggling them showing off her sparkly blue nail polished toes that were sticking out of her Birkenstocks.
"I fell down the stairs remember? You came by the day after"
She sounded breathy and said it quickly. Like she wanted it over and done with.
I pulled my hand from hers placing it on her hip turning her to face the car.
I grabbed the bottom of her top, I felt her tense at the feeling of my hands.
"May I."
She didn't reply, just nodded.
I lifted her long sleeved shirt, her back was red with slashes all over it.
There were swolen bruises and red marks everywhere.
She did not fall down the stairs.
I put down her top and turned her around again.
I looked into the sky, the clouds were getting darker, looks like rain.
When I looked back down at her she was playing with her hands, counting them or something, I could see the tear splotches on the ground.
I pulled her into a hug. A tight one, one I would never let go of if I had the chance. At first she didn't move. But After a while she wrapped her arms around me to, burying her head into my underarm.
We stayed like this for what felt like a second, but was really a hour.
When she pulled away her face was red and puffy, I couldn't even hear her sobs.
"Casey I really don't think that you should g-"
Casey lent up and kissed me, completely cutting off my sentence.
"Thankyou Zach, it's been a great night. But I have to go"
"yeah me to I've got work. I'll see you tomorrow?"
She looked away and towards the road before taking a deep breath.
She smiled cheekily at me before driving off and speeding down the road.
That girl will get a ticket if she doesn't slow down.
I thought about her on my way home, whilst I was changing, driving to work, and whilst I was wiping the tables at the bar.
Fuck Casey

                  Casey's pov
"Yeah me to I've got work, I'll see you tomorrow?"
I really wish I could tell him the truth.
No I won't be at school tomorrow because I'm probably getting beaten to a pulp for "disobeying" and for hanging with a boy, not to mention being home really late.
But all that came out was
I stepped on the gas on the way home, I'm sure I was 20 above the speed limit, my dads bad habits passed down to me.
I didn't even ask where he worked, he'd been here what, a week? And he already had a job.
When I looked at the clock in my car before I got out it read 11:36
Fuck, I was 3 hours late. My "curfew was 8:30.
Sometimes I can sneak out or if he's in a good mood, which is rare, he'll let me stay out till 10. Most of the time I don't even need to be out late anyway, not like I get invited to party's or sleepovers.
I snuck in through the back door, making it halfway up the stairs before my dad called out to me.
"Cassidy, get down here RIGHT FUCKING NOW."
A shiver shot up my spine. Twice in a week, wasn't a record but it hadn't happened in a while.
I crept down the stairs, pulling my sleeves down and over my hands, it was my protective layer that I bet would do absolutely nothing.
I crept around the corner and approached my dad who was slouched in the sofa watching love island.
He stood up and traced my face with the bottom of his empty beer bottle, I had never seen a empty one in his hand before.
"Get me a new pack of beers."
He sat back down making a loud groan, he turned his head in disgust when he noticed I was still there.
"The fuck are you still doing here?"
"I don't have any money."
I whispered it so softly I don't even think I heard it myself, he must have super hearing because he pulled out his walled and slammed out a twenty and 2 fives. I don't know what that was going to get, nothing probably. but I accepted the money anyway.
I hobbled to my car digging through the dashboard for a twenty I'd stashed a while ago, I found it and shoved it into my locked and drove to the bottle shop. I wast 18 yet so I hoped that they would still let me get it. Hopefully they'd relize it wasnt for me.
I parked the car across the street and ran across the road. The rain was pouring, and heavy. I got drenched walking into the bar which connected to the bottle shop. I walked through the bar quickly, trying to avoid any attention that might come towards a 17 year old girl alone in a bar at night.
I shut my brain down quick from those thoughts L. I knew where I was going with that. I walked into the bottle shop and scowered the shelves trying to find something I could afford. I grabbed a six pack of some corona stuff. Better than nothing. I ran up to the counter with my money in hand. The man eyes me off.
"It's not fro me it's for frank."
He chuckled at my remark and waved me off, i dashed towards the door connecting to the bar, walking smoothly yet speedily through it and outside. The box was heavy and my arms scratched and hurt. I stopped outside the shop placing the box down on one of the tables,
"Casey what are you doing? Your not even 18!"
I jolted heading my name looking around the dark trying to find the source of the concern.
Am I hearing voices?
Just then Zach walked over to be placing a hand onto the box looking at me with concern.
"Oh it's not mine it's for my dad,"
I lump got stuck in my through. His gaze felt like sire in my body. My sweatshirt was soaked and my shorts clung to my thighs. I hated my thighs.
"So I'll just go."
I heaved the box up and walked towards the road.
"Casey stop."
I stopped and turned around. Zach grabbed the box from my arms and carried it to my car.
He the put his arm on the room, our faces inches away.
I've already kissed him before I don't know why I was so nervous.
"Do not buy alchohol underage again understand?"
His voice was rough and clear. He didn't sound like the Zach I had dinner with. Or watched and dinner. He sounded, more. Protective. Of me.
"I don't even drink"
I whispered under my breath, I couldn't help but stare at his lips.
"Oh god Casey."
He looked down at the floor before looking back up at me.
"You have no idea what you do to me."
I smirked at that comment.
I did to him?
K was about to say something when someone from the bar called out Zachs name, and waved him over.
He looked me deep in my eyes. I felt electrified just from looking at him.
He kissed me softly and quickly before ducking under the rain and running across the street.
I got in my car, giddy and fuzzy inside.
Fuck Zach.

Hope you guys liked this one, I didn't really know what to do, I will do what happens s when Casey gets back home ect ect. But yeah. Bye 👋

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