Part 5

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                             Casey's pov
In a matter of 3 days this random guy made me want to punch him, made me want to kiss him, then made me his yapper!! I don't even know what that is and I knew nothing about this guy, other than his name and that he used to have a dog called peri that got hit by a car when he was 4, (we were messaging). Am I making a huge mistake getting into something like this?
We sat on the oval going through or at least trying to go through the science homework, he wouldn't stop looking at me. Creep. And sometimes I would get a bit distracted and start talking about the most random things. He just smiled at me when I ranted, which sadly only encouraged me. It was 7:30 when we finally packed up.
"Are you hungry?"
"Why are you asking me on a date?"
You got all giddy and rocked back and forth on your heels smiling up at Zach, I wasn't hungry in the slightest but maybe this was my chance to get to know him a bit more.
"If I was would you say yes?"
I  just grabbed his arm and began to walk with him towards his car, quickly leting go of his him when i remembered what he did to that kid when he touched Zach in history.
"What? What's wrong?"
Zach stoped walking and stared at me.
"We'll you hit that kid when they tou-"
"That "kid" wasn't you. I don't mind it when it's you."
There must have been some fucked up thing going on in my stomach because i felt like throwing up jumping up and down screaming singing all the works when he said that. I happily grabbed his arm again and walked to the car.
Ugh what a hottie
We got in his car, it smelt like rain, I love the smell of rain.
"Where do you wanna go?"
Zach tuned to look at me, I was just inspecting his car, it could use a tidy up but it was better than other cars you had been in. For one it didn't smell like booze.
"I don't mind i like anything"
I lied straight through my teeth, although I seem to be good at that I do it a lot.
" so how old are you? Are you one of those like super brainy little kids that were so smart that they bumped them up a few year levels, or are you like really stupid and got help back a few years, that would be funy, but I really don't know what much about you, like what's your favourite colour? And what's your favourite food? Do u have any favourite animals ooh what about your favourite sport?! It's probably footy who am I kidding."
The car was silent filled only by my ranting. To be honest it was a bit awkward.
" we'll, I'm not super brainy or super stupid, I like to think I'm normal, I turned 17 4 months ago, um what was your other questions?"
Zach turned and smiled at me. His smile was cute.
"Favourite colour"
I reminded him
"Oh right yeah, I would have to say navy blue, I don't know why I just love that colour, my favourite food, would have to be.. god that ones hard. Probably tacos. I love tacos."
He kept smiling as he talked. He answered all my questions the rest of the drive, which included things from where do you wanna do when you graduate all the way to did you ever get married in kindergarten. I told him about How me and Will got married, Sam was the best man, my dog was my maid of honour, granted fluffy was a boy, he was a very good maid of honour.
We pulled up to "Rocky's roadhouse" the local diner, also where my dad worked. I could see through the window through the diner over to the bar my dad, I knew he would not appreciate having me there. Especially with the "stunt" I pulled yesterday.
"Can we go somewhere else."
I pulled on Zachs shirt hoping we could go to the shitty waffle place life ally anywhere but here.
"You kidding me Casey? This place has the best burgers."
"I know."
Zach looked at me with slim eyes, I didn't take mine of my dad. I really didn't want to get into something right now.
"Zach please"
He got out the car and walked over to my side, he opened the door and leaned over me unbuckling my seat belt, he kissed me softly.
"It's ok Casey let's go."
He grabbed my hand and led me up and into the diner.
I pulled my hand away and the sight of my dads eyes on me.
"I'll be right back Zach I just gotta say hi to someone."
I left Zach to find a table whilst I walked over to dad.
"What the fuck are you doing here"
Dad snarled at me.
Tf happened to customer service.
"I'm just getting dinner with my science partner."
He scoffed and stared at Zach.
"Suprised they let someone so stupid like you back in that class."
Yeah ok shut up.
"Yeah well I'll be home late anyway so like I give a fuck."
I nodded and walked back over to Zach, I plastered on my best smile and sat down across from him.
He paced down his menu and smiled at me.
"Who were you talking to?"
I looked over at dad, he was glaring at me sternly.
"An old family friend."
I smiled back at Zach, his hand rubbing my thigh.
"What are you gonna get"
I hadn't even looked at the menu yet, I didn't need to I knew this place off my heart, I practically lived off this place.
"I'm not hungry "
I smiled at Zach, he slamed his menu down making me drop my smile.
"You mean I took you out even though your not gonna eat."
I chuckled at his smart ass voice.
"I'm sorry-"
"No don't be it's not your fault."
I don't think anyone's ever said that to me. "It's not your fault" I guess I've just been blamed for everything else, ive never really looked at anything a different way.
The waiter came over to us, she looked about fifteen, blond hair brown eyes, she was skinny and tall, and couldn't take her eyes of Zach. It made my stomach not and my face redden when she touched his arm playfully.
When she finally left after taking his order Zach looked over at me, the scowl on my face must have been a hint enough to show him that I didn't like what just happened.
"Oh seriously"
Zach lent back on his chair, a playful grin appeared on his face, I did not like how this was going to go.
"No no not seriously, she was so flirting with you"
He shot forawrds on his chair making me flinch with excitement, he leaned in and placed his hands on mine.
"I don't care im taken."
I side eyed him. We hadn't said anything about what our relationship even was,we'd known each-other for not even a week, can people really get into relationships that early?
"Your taken?"
I scolded and leaned back on my chair.
"What makes you think I want to have you?"
Zach grabbed his heart playing dead.
"Oof that one hurt yapper."
I leaned onto the table head in my hand.
"I'm not this unofficial girl your "seeing" you want me, ask me."
Zach smirked at me, my stomach did a triple backflip. Where was all this coolness coming from, I am not cool, far from it.
"We'll Casey would you li-"
"Not here dickhead."
I slapped him playfully across the head, I looked over to see my dad staring at me correction, glaring. It made me sick to my stomach. I repositioned myself on my chair, straightening my back and placing my hands under my thighs to stop them from shaking.
Zach noticed,
"What what's wrong."
He looked around the diner trying to find something wrong, thank god the world was on my side today as the waiter walked towards us wit Zachs food.
"Nothing. Food"
I pointed at the girl averting Zachs attention.
Zach fixed his eyes on the food, I swear I saw him drooling over the shitty burger, just shows how new this kids really is.
Did he actually want to go out with me? Cmon me! This could be my chance, but am I also taking away his of having someone who's. Normal?
I was deep in my thoughts when Zach threw a chip at me.
"Whatcha thinking yapper?"
My mouth dropped, I can't believe he threw a chip at me, that is not gentalmany.
"You threw a chip at me."
He picked another one up aiming it, ready for launching at my face.
"Zach no"
"I'm serious"
I closed my eyes. But no chip came.
When I opened them back up Zach was shoving the chip in his mouth, he must think he's a 5 star comedian or something from the look on his face.
"A hot dickhead"
I laughed out loud
"Did you just call yourself hot?"
He threw another chip at me which I court and threw back at him.
"What are you denying?"
I leant back kn my chair, assessing his face his body his hair his everything, he was hot. Not just hot hot but like middle of the earth boiling magma lava shit type hot. I grazed my tongue across my lips, my throat got weirdly dry.
"Your not denying"
He put down his chips. Man they just did not run out did they.
"I don't wanna built your ego to much."
He smiled before shoving his face with chips again.
"That's not a no."
I heard a slam of the diner door and looked out the window. My dad was eyeing me off, a glare that could cut diamonds fixed on his face. He got in his car and sped off, literally sped, he woulda gotten a ticked had there been a cop nearby. He didn't stay very late.
Tonight was gonna be funn.

This one's a bit of a short one, I'll extend the diner but when I do Zach's pov in the next one. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Hope u enjoyed 😘

She talks a lot Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz