Eri: Yeah, Mr. Aizawa and Nezu would be so mad the next day seeing you there with me sleeping on your chest, but every time you had to leave...

Izuku: I would look at you, kiss your little horn with a smile, and say, "Don't listen, do them. I'll be back tonight no matter what." I got in so much trouble doing that every night until they just gave up on me visiting you and me adopting you. Boy, that was a whole other battle.

Eri: You've never told me about that.

Izuku: not much to tell, you wanna hear it?


Izuku: Well, it was after classes ended that me and your mother went to Nezu's office and...



Izuku: I'm not taking no for an answer.

Nezu: Well, I'm not going to give you anything else. Mr. Midoriya, you are far too young to raise a child, not to mention it will affect your studies.

Izuku: Pardon my French, but bullshit, I'm a top A student in every subject, I'm ranked number 2 behind Momo Yaoyorozu, even if it does affect my studies, I would still be in the top 5, which I couldn't give less of a fuck about my rank.

Nezu: Still, no, you don't have any way of taking care of her.

Momo:. You do realize I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, right? Like the richest family in Japan? I have more than enough money to take care of her.

Aizawa: Still no, not only no, but absolutely no.

Zuku and Momo turned around and saw his homeroom teacher, Aizawa, leaning against the doorframe.

Aizawa: She needs to be placed...

Izuku: with you? Nezu sir, you can't possibly think that's a good idea; the man can barely take care of himself!

Nezu:. . . He's got a point there. I've seen days where your lunch is just cereal.

Izuku:unlike me, who makes every day homemade bento boxes for me and Momo so I can cook

Momo, it's true, and he makes sure they're nutritious.

Izuku: We have the financial capacity, and we know for a fact that you can make my room big enough for 3 people. You did it when Momo "convinced" you to make us live in the same room.

Momo:very true Eri needs a loving family, not to be treated as if she's some dangerous super weapon.

Nezu: You have a lot of good arguments, and my answer remains the same: no. If her quirk gets out of control,

Izuku: Oh, don't give me that crap; her quirk only goes out of control when she is stressed and scared. She will be if she lives with sensei Aizawa. I mean look at him and tell me there's a god.

Momo: And that he is a loving god to make a man like sensei Aizawa.

Aizawa:uncalled for

Momo: I would say having the whole class and your husband's professor mic. We had to chase you down just to give you a bath and wash your clothes, which was uncalled for, and yet we were forced to do it.

Izuku: Again, he can take care of himself; he is in no way fit to be a parent.

Nezu: Maybe, but this isn't about parenting; Eri is dangerous, and she will stay with Aizawa to neutralize that threat.

Izuku: dangerous; she's fucking 5!!

*Izuku stood up, slamming his fist to the table, breaking it. He never looked away from Nezu, giving him a hateful glare.*

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