chapter 19

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Later, with Eri

Kyoka stopped her bike at the front of the school as Eri got up, feeling stressed.

Kyoka: Hey, what's up with you?

Eri, I kind of... might have said the truth that Izuku is my dad, and I have a bad feeling about today.

Kyoka: Whoever bothers you, tell me about it, and I'll take care of it.

*Eri giggled, feeling a bit better. She waved her aunty off and took a deep breath, looking at the school before walking inside. As she walked through the halls of the school, she could feel the eyes on her. She could hear the whispers they were saying about her, but Eri kept her head high. She made it to her class the moment she opened the door. All conversation stopped. All eyes were on her. As she walked to her seat, the only sound that could be heard were her footsteps.

Eri ignored it and sat down already. 2 students walked up to her Eri glanced with bored eyes, but really she was nervous.

Mahiru: Well, if it isn't the son of that fucking villain,

Instantly, Eri went from nervous to furious as she slammed her hands on the table, getting up in Mahiru's face.

Eri: Say that again, you fucking bastard.

Sakurai: He won't, but I will, and if anyone's a bastard, it's got to be you. I mean you slut of a mother left a great man like shot Todoroki for a goddamn traitor that got lucky.

Eri saw red, but someone held her back. She glared at whoever dared stop her.

Marquis: Settle down; don't give them the time of day, and you two, a bit of calling the kettle black, don't you think? Since you're acting worse than a villain, you're acting like a couple of no-good fake heroes.

Sakurai: Oh, don't tell me you're defending her? His father is nothing but a two-bit crook!

Satsuki:more like a fucking homewrecker; he destroyed my family.

*Eri looked at Satsuki, completely heartbroken and betrayed by her first friend, choosing her hatred over her. *Eri's eyes quickly went back to a serious expression, and she looked at the two who started this.*

Eri:he.was.framed. The courts proved it; your oh so precious Todoroki's sister even proved it. Is that not prove enough for you people?!

Mahiru: Oh, please, that bitch only wanted the family money since she was next in line. She betrayed her family for Deku the traitor, and this is no good bitch.

*A table was flipped over as Minoka walked up to Mahiru, looking furious and getting up to the man's face.*

Minoka: Call her a bitch again. Come on, I dare you call her a bitch again because me and my friend behind you would just love that, isn't that right, nusutto?

Mahiru could feel the tip of the bone from Nusutto as she got closer to his ear and whispered in a happy tone, almost excited.

Nusutto: Oh, I absolutely love it.

*The class glared at each other as they took sides with those who believed in izuku and those who believed in shoto. Both factions glared at one another, almost waiting for one to make a move. Their war stare down was interrupted by the door opening and the teacher coming inside. He looked at what was happening, frowning.

Ryoken walked to his desk and kicked under it, waking up Aizawa and groaning in pain.

Ryoken: God, I am so kissing my wife for suggesting the metal tip boots today. Now wake your neglectful ass up!

*Groaning, Aizawa got up and saw what was going on.*

Aizawa: I swear this better not be because of the problem child, Jr.

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