chapter 30

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Eri jumped a bit and looked at Izuku and Tsuyu, both looking at her expectantly, almost waiting for a response, making her blush and play with her hair.

Eri: Sorry I didn't hear what you said.

Tsuyu: It's fine, honey. I asked, How about we go out? The laundry is done, the dishes are cleaned, and I checked your homework for you; it's done perfectly, so what do you say? I know this lovely lake that's secluded from everyone. We could make a day of it as a family. Kero

*Tsuyu said, smiling, trying her best to make Eri feel comfortable, but it just made Eri feel angry; in her anger, her thoughts slipped out.*

Eri: You're not my mother! You're not my family, so stop acting like it!!


*Izuku said she was shocked, but that shock turned into anger and disappointment. Tsuyu put her hand on Izuku's shoulder to calm him down.*

Tsuyu: You're right. I'm not, and I'm not trying to be; I'm not going to replace Momo Eri; she's your mother, but I do want to be part of your life; I want to get to know you; I want you to see me as someone you can trust and love just the same. Kero

Eri didn't say anything; she just walked fast into her room, looking down. Once she was gone, Izuku sighed loudly while Tsuyu looked at him, smiling, but like always, Izuku could see the sadness behind her eyes.


Tsuyu:it's fine Izuku Kero... she just needs time to get used to all of this. We need to be patient with her.

Izuku: That doesn't make your feelings any less important, Tsu.

*Izuku said softly as he hugged her. It hurt. Izuku heard Tsuyu cry. It hurt a lot more because Eri was the one who caused it. The three of them had a shaky ride ahead of them, but Izuku and Tsuyu were going to face it together.

Meanwhile, with Eri

*We see her in the room they gave her. She was hugging her legs, hiding her face. She just felt awful. She didn't mean to say those things. She didn't mean to snap at her. She just wanted to apologize to Tsuyu, but she couldn't. Part of her wouldn't let her make Eri feel like she had no control over her own life, leading to what she's about to do now.

*Eri got up and walked to her backpack, opening it. She took out her special book. She opened the book and grabbed the box cutter, looking at it as if it held the solution to all her problems. Slowly, she put it in her arms and stared, cutting over and over again until she felt satisfied, until the anger, the self-hatred, the loathing, and the numbness all faded away, leaving only the pain—the pain that she caused, the pain that made her feel in control.

*Eri heard the door opening and closing; she didn't move, still hugging her legs; her cuts had long since been rewinded; and a box cutter was placed inside the book under the bed. * Eri heard shuffling, getting closer to her, and a grunting sound as her father sat in front of her.

Eri:I'm sorry....

Eri mumbled softly, making Izuku give a small chuckle.

Izuku: It's not me who you should be apologizing to.

Eri:...i know...

Izuku: Want to talk about it?


Zuku just moved to sit next to Eri, putting his arm on her shoulder. Eri stopped hugging herself and cuddled closer to him, still looking at the ground.

Izuku: You know when you were so young, remember? You were in the hospital, and I would sneak in to your room to make sure you weren't alone.

*Eri giggled at the memory since it cemented in her mind that Izuku was her father.*

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