Gremory Vs Phenex (5)

Start from the beginning

Riser took a moment to to reorientate himself. He didn't know it, but he had just landed inside the student council room.

The second he found himself, he was immediately hit in the head by a metal paper tray. It didn't hurt, but it stunned and blinded him momentarily as individual sheets flew across the room.

"It's okay if I fight seriously, right?" He heard Suk-chin ask. Suk-chin flew into the room, crashing right into Riser, further dazing the devil.

Suk-chin then lifted his right foot, and connected it with Riser's chin.

"It's okay if I actually try, right?" He asked before wrapping his arms around Riser, crushing the devil's body in his grasp.

"I don't have to just play with you, do I? You can take it, right?"

Suk-chin suplexed Riser into the ground. He lifted him back into the air, before suplexing him a second time. When he lifted Riser a third time, he slammed him into the ground and followed up by punching him.

Riser was then bombarded by a barrage of blows, being pummelled further and further into the ground.

"Enough!" Riser roared, sending out a fiery shockwave around himself. Suk-chin backed up, and Riser surged to his feet.

"Don't get ahead of yourself!" Riser snarled as he lifted his foot off the ground and kicked Suk-chin in the face.

"You're right." Suk-chin said, firmly standing his ground, not outwardly reacting to Riser's foot being on his face.

He grabbed onto Riser's foot, squeezing it tightly. Riser grimaced slightly.

"I shouldn't get too excited." Suk-chin continued, having calmed down from his earlier outburst. He raised his fist, yanked Riser closer by his foot and slammed his fist into the devil's stomach.

"It's bad practice to put pleasure over business, after all."

The first thing Riser noticed as he recovered was that the large table in the middle of the room was missing.

Suk-chin grabbed onto the large piece of furniture and hoisted it over his shoulder. "But that doesn't mean I can't do a little bit of both, right?"

He swung the table like it was a regular weapon, smashing Riser's entire body with it. The whole thing shattered into pieces as Riser was once again sent flying through the school's walls.

Riser scowled as he tried to stop, but all he could do was brace himself as he finally reached the next room. He barreled right through several desks, but finally skidded to a halt, his back hitting the wall softly.

He growled as Suk-chin walked through the hole in the wall. "Man, this school is big as fuck. Never even seen this classroom before."

Suk-chin looked around, then stared at the chalkboard. "I hate this thing, you know? The sound of chalk really grates my ears." He picked up the chalk eraser. "I don't like loud noises."

Riser snarled as he got up again. "You will regret this. Do you undersand that!?" He charged forward. "You will regret treating me like some-"

Riser never got to finish his sentence before being interrupted.

"Mind holding onto this for a sec?" Suk-chin asked as he shoved the eraser into Riser's mouth, stifling his attempts to speak.

He followed up by repeatedly punching Riser in the head. "Maybe that'll finally get you to shut the hell up."

Riser was sent back again, his back hitting the wall. But Suk-chin didn't let up, appearing in front of Riser, lifting his leg up and kicking him.

This time, Riser was sent hurdling down to the floor below, falling into the classroom directly beneath them on the first floor.

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