August 25th, 2023

8 4 35

Morning: I apparently got "dress-coded" and needed to wear a belt. Other than that, the morning was fine.

Social Studies: We were doing a project and I wanted to go above and beyond. We had to make a poster of two different groups, and I decided I'll do that, along with comparing them.

ELA: There was a test and we had to write four different essays. I of course did my best and explained my evidence clearly and prayed that I would get at least higher than a 95%.

Hotspot: My laptop wasn't working (although my laptop wasn't the only one that wasn't working) and I was super frustrated. Along with that, Lazo next to me was being mean to my poor pen :(

Twenty minutes into the class was when it finally worked. I listened to my music and typed away and did math. Sadly, since my sight is horrible, to make up for it, my hearing is super good. I could still hear my noisy class even though they were sometimes quiet, sometimes not.

I didn't talk much until Lazo started to be annoying and I had to scold him and tell him I'm not helping him because he killed my pen. My poor pen :(

Lunch: Faye wasn't here today so it was just me and Evie. Here's what happened:

I questioned her about why she changed her TikTok username to i_love_mywife. She explained that she and her girlfriend were "married".

I joked saying it was illegal to marry someone one year younger than you, and pretended to be weirded out. As Evie protested, and I pretended to go far away from her,

I told her I had a crush and she had to guess it.

"I don't know who is in your class!" Evie protested. I thought for a minute, looking around me. Suddenly the teacher was calling us to get up.

"I'll tell you after we get food," I told her.

We got food and sat back down.

I told her about everyone who was in my class.

She guessed everyone she saw but I said no to every one of them.

I told her he was shorter than me and had dark hair and dark eyes. She still didn't guess the right person.

I told her he was in the rows in front of us. She still didn't guess him.

Before her class had to leave, I finally revealed to her that he was in the table in front of the table next to us. She smirked at me before she left.

I wondered if she figured out who my crush was.

Math: List:

We had a test so it was mostly quiet at first.

When the test was over, we had to do math on this math site called IXL.

Nothing much happened though.

Intervention: We were watching a movie mostly, but my eyes always, always went to him. He was turned away from me since he was kinda watching the movie.

He did catch me looking at him.

I was zoned out for some time and when I came back to life, he was looking at me while I was staring at him. I looked away, looking anywhere but at him.

Aaron was also making fun of me and I hated him. I wondered why I ever found him attractive or butterfly-worthy.

Then for the last fifteen minutes, we were allowed to go outside and of course, it was boiling hot. At first, I was alone then Xaiyah joined me and we talked for a little until we had to go back inside.

So that was the end of the week. The first week of having a new crush. Two months after I got over a crush I had for nine months...

(P.S. Evie guessed who it was. I suppose someone else knows now).

Since November...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя