Week 1 recap

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I was too unmotivated to write in week 1 so here I am in week 2, about to write the highlights of my week in week 1. Let's start.

I was prepared.

I was prepared not to be like last year. I was prepared not to be insecure.

I was prepared to be confident.

I decided to take my sweater off for the first time since forever and I drew a deep breath as I sat on the front seat of my dad's car. It was the first day of seventh grade.

Seventh grade.

I felt like the whole summer went by in the flash. All I did all summer was text my friend (now best friend!!!) Evie, did my book, went to the beach two times, and read.

At first I was still obsessed with my old crush (sorry, I can't write his real name without cringing), but once I started to get into booktok and read about guys that were much better and much higher standards, my feelings floated away. On a cloud called The Past.

Books basically saved me.

Lord, I hope they can save me this year.

"Ready to go?" asked my dad, snapping me out of my thoughts. I sat up straight and looked at the time: 7:13.

"Just two more minutes until 7:15 please," I pleaded. I didn't want to linger around in the crowd of seventh grade and above grades (plus below). I didn't want to see anyone I didn't want to see.

Thank Lord, he moved to a different school. I don't think I can face him after all the hopeless things I did.

A few minutes passed by quickly.

"7:15. Come on, Nisarah, I need to go to work," my dad said firmly. I sighed as I scanned the crowd of kids in front of the front doors. It looked safe so far.

"Fine," I grumbled. I drew another deep breath and opened the car door. I quickly closed it and ran to the crowd of kids, getting swallowed by them. My dad was long gone.

I looked around, hoping I wouldn't and would see anyone I knew at the same time. I really wanted to see Evie.

We texted literally every day during the summer, haven't had a one fight, and we officially declared ourselves as best friends. I never felt so happy when she was happy that I called her my best friend.

I didn't see her.

My heart sank a little bit. I hope so badly that we're in the same class. Please Lord, please.

Suddenly my heart stopped. I tensed.

There a little far away was Evie's ex: Damian.

Evie has had a crush on Damian since forever. But near the end of the school year, she confessed her feelings in text to him. Well, I was the one who convinced her to. I am pretty convincing that way. A few days after school ended, he confessed that he had mutual feelings. I couldn't see her, but I knew my best friend was super happy. Then later, he asked her out. She said yes.

But nearly a week later, they broke up. Well Damian broke up with Evie. Evie told me it was because Damian felt she wasn't putting enough effort on their relationship.

He also told me the other reason over snap (all of this happened over snap, I know it is so crazy): Evie did something bad.

I thought that was ridiculous. He should love her no matter what she does, but apparently, he didn't love her enough.

Afterwards, he bothered me for a while asking why there is so much drama and blah, blah, blah. I gave dry answers and a few days later he unadded me.

Works for me.

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