Chapter 19: We Love

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Days passed by. You didn't really talk to anyone, seeing as everyone was busy in their own ways. Srinu told you that he worked things out with Satya after visiting their mother, but had shared the sad news that she had cancer, so you didn't want to bother them. Moreover, you were still recovering from the whole Rakesh incident, so you felt better to just stay at home for now. While you were trying not to mope around and actually do something to distract yourself, Rakesh found himself torn. He was unable to focus at work, zoning out during meetings and not finishing his tasks on time. Your question kept running through his head, 24/7. 

If I had been someone from B-phase, would you have still liked me? 

Rakesh truly didn't know. 

For him, he grew up knowing that they had something he didn't. They had rights over the lake, and that's why his father, and his friends' fathers didn't like them. No matter what he did to prove to his father that he was capable, from being the class topper in school, completing his masters in the US, to helping expand their family's business, his father always needed more, he always needed that lake. So Rakesh made it his mission to get that lake. He rounded up his friends, he degraded those B-phase people, he did what he could to prove that Gold-phase was better, that he was better. The years of pent-up resentment and longing to make his family happy, to prove to his father that he was the best had deepened his hatred for B-phase, and had hardened him, making him more insensitive and stony-hearted. 

And then, as if they didn't have enough, that son-of-a-bitch Ashok had to steal his sister, one of the only people he had genuinely cared for, intensifying his animosity and making him vengeful. He would've been completely consumed by his revenge and hatred, if it wasn't for you. You showed him compassion, and looked past his money, his influence, and tried to care for him despite his haughty demeanour. But now, even you had gotten fed up with him. Rakesh sighed, burying his face in his hands as he leaned back in his couch.

Suddenly, a big thud was heard, resonating through both colonies. Rakesh sat up straight, looking in the direction of the sound. It was coming from the lake. He immediately put on his shoes and ran out of his house, meeting up with Ajay, Suresh, and Nagi on the way. The four of them ran to the lake, stopping at the sight before them. The beloved tree, which had been the reason for B-phase's refusal to give up the lake, had finally fallen. Now, there was not reason to fight. The lake would be their's. Abhi, Nagaraj, Srinu, his sisters, Lakshmi, nearly everyone was gathered at the site, looking over at the destruction. Everyone was silent, caught up in their emotions. Rakesh looked to the right, seeing you and Paru a short distance away. You were looking down at the tree solemnly, face not betraying your inner feelings. Slowly, everyone went back to their respective homes, sharing the news of the fallen tree with people who hadn't been there. Rakesh got home, sitting in his living room, when his father walked into the house, as he normally did.

"Tell madame to come down," he instructed the maid, who promptly went to go do so. Another maid immediately served him his usual tea and snacks in the living room, and his father sat down and began to eat them as usual. 

"So Nanna," Rakesh began, "did you hear about the tree?"

His father hummed absent-mindedly. "Of course. I also heard that you went to go see it yourself, but it's completely dead."

"So what now?" Rakesh asked, trying to elicit a stronger reaction. 

"And then we expand our business and build more buildings and apartments there," his father answered, sipping his tea.

"And after that?"

"Well, we'll just move onto the next possible expansion of course, this one just ended up taking too long," his father replied, pulling out his phone to scroll.

Rakesh forced a smile and went up to his room, thinking. Laying down on his bed, he let out a long sigh. So that was it? So many years of his resentment and longing to finally get that lake, and it just happened to be a stop before the destination? He was very upset to say the least, because what the fuck? This was supposed to a be a huge turning point, wasn't it? This is literally his goal for years! How could his father treat it so trivially? If he wasn't satisfied by this, then what would satisfy him? When would he finally be happy? 

It was at this moment when Rakesh realized, his father would never be satisfied. He would never be happy. And if Rakesh kept trying to chase that satisfaction, he would never be happy. He stood up abruptly, finally knowing the answer to your question. For the second time that day, he ran out of his house, sprinting in the direction of Paru's house. Stopping briefly at the entrance, he saw Paru inside, with you nowhere to be found. 

"Where is she?" He asked, breathing heavily. 

Surprised, Paru pointed up. "She's on the terrace." Rakesh nodded and immediately made his way up, taking two stairs at a time, stopping once he saw you. You turned around, startled by the sudden sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. 

"I would still love you," Rakesh said, panting. "I would love you even if you were from B-phase. Even if you were middle-class, lower-class, in poverty even. I would choose you no matter what." He took a couple steps forward, coming closer to you. "I would choose you in any life, no matter who you are. I love you, y/n." It started to rain, but neither of you were bothered.

Your eyes watered, tears slipping down your cheeks, blending in with raindrops as you started to hit his chest. "You stupid, dumb asshole! It took you this long to come talk to me?" You hit him repeatedly, sobbing. 

Rakesh grabbed your hands, pulling them towards him, making you collide into him. He held your face gently, eyes wet from seeing you cry, and wiped your tears. "I'm so sorry I took so long, but I mean it. I love you to the stars and back, and I'll keep loving you beyond the end of time. You're the only one for me." He leaned his forehead on yours, the two of you fully wet from the downpour. 

You pulled away slightly, looking up at him. "I love you too, dumbass." Rakesh chuckled, before capturing your lips in a searing kiss, filled with all of the emotions the two of you had been feeling ever since you fought. He gripped your waist tightly, moaning as you slid your hands up his chest and into his hair. His tongue tracing your bottom lip, asking for permission as you opened up your mouth, letting his tongue in. You continued to kiss passionately, before pulling away. Breathing heavily, you pecked him sweetly on the lips, watching him smile before kissing you again, sucking on your bottom lip. You pulled apart, asking him, "so what now?"

Rakesh grinned, picking you up bridal style and kissing you on your forehead. "Now, we love."

A/N: And that's a wrap! At least for the main plot - I'll probably continue to write smaller oneshots or short stories based on this (I've found myself once again simping for hot smart villains 🤡 so don't worry haha). Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!!!

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