Chapter 5: Maya

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You and Paru had been traveling all day, going from shop to shop to research fashion trends and figure out what outfits she should wear for her competition. 

"Girl, my feet are killing me," you complained, shifting your backpack on your shoulders. 

"Please, just one more place, and then we're done," Paru said. You got into the car, and Paru gave the driver instructions. 

As the car followed a different route, you asked, "Where are we going?"

"We're going into B-phase, there's a lady there who is really good at this stuff," Paru answered. You looked out the window, observing the atmosphere. There was a distinct difference between Gold-phase and B-phase, with the houses being noticeably smaller and barely any sprawling green lawns in sight. Yet, there was a coziness that Gold-phase lacked, with the children playing together and groups of friends laughing together over cups of chai. The car came to a stop, and you and Paru got out of the car. 

"Maya?" Paru called out. A beautiful lady, wearing a simple sari and buttu came out. You swore your heart skipped a beat at her beauty, and you were speechless, stuttering a 'Namaste' as Paru introduced you. Maya smiled at you and this time, your heart definitely stopped. She invited you both inside, and Paru sat down, discussing hair styles with her. You quickly overcame your awe and contributed to the conversation, giving your opinion on the hair styles being tossed around. You guys finally came to a conclusion, determining that a small trim with slight layers would be the best. You bid Maya goodbye, and got in the car. 

"Damn." You looked at Paru, shaking your head in disbelief.

"I know, that's why I like to ask her opinion," Paru said. 

Paru asked the driver to stop by a street food stall selling mirchi bajjis. She got out of the car and you followed, noticing a few B-phase boys and girls you recognized from the fights also at the stall. 

"Could you give me 2 bajjis please," Paru asked the owner, who said yes and looked at you for your order. 

Still worried about getting food poisoning, since you had only been in India for a week, you asked, "Do you guys have any bottled water?" 

One of the B-phase boys, Nagaraj, scoffed. "Madame wants a 'bottle of water,' looks like she's too above normal water." The other boys laughed, making you upset. 

"Forgive me for wanting to avoid throwing up and dying because my stomach hasn't adjusted to the Indian microbiome yet," you said, glaring at them.

"That wouldn't stop you in Gold-phase, would it?" Nagaraj challenged. 

"Actually, it did. I'm only eating homemade food, I even turned down Rakesh," you said. "The first time I came to India, I ended up throwing up continuously for a week. I would much rather that not happen again"

The boys quieted down, realizing that you weren't being arrogant, but rather just looking out for yourself.

"What's your name?" The guy who was simping for Paru asked. 


"Did you move into Gold-phase?" Another guy, the one who was good at cricket, asked you.

"No, I'm just staying for a while before I start medical school in the US," you explained. 

Paru, who had been quietly eating, piped up. "Yeah, so don't go fighting with her."

"If Paru says no, then no," the short guy said. You guys talked for a while, getting to know all of them. The guy who liked Paru was Abhi, and the other guy was Srinu. His sister introduced herself as Satya, who was also preparing to become a doctor and take EAMCET. Finally, there was Lakshmi, Nagaraj's neighbor. You and Paru soon had to leave, and said bye to everyone.

Once in the car, you said, "They're not that bad, they actually seem pretty nice. Why are they fighting with Gold-phase guys?"

Paru side-eyed you. "That's a long story, I think it has a lot to do with some company politics."

"I see." Hearing a familiar song from outside, you perked up, looking towards the sound. 

I want it, this love. I want it, real love...

You saw that the song was coming from a girl's phone. Quickly asking the driver to stop, you got out of the car and made your way over to her.

"Are you ARMY?" You asked excitedly.

"Oh my god, yes! Are you too?"

"Yeah!" She immediately gave you a big hug, which you reciprocated. 

"I didn't think I'd find anyone else in this place who liked KPOP," she said, squeezing you tightly before letting you go.

"Me neither! By the way, what's your name?" you asked.

"I'm Padhu, and you?"

"I'm y/n! Can we exchange numbers, Paru and I need someone to fangirl with." The two of you exchanged numbers and hugged one more time before you left.

As you got back into the car, you told Paru, "She's also a KPOP fan! Can you believe it? Now we have someone else to talk to!" 

"Really! I should talk to B-phase people more often, they have some real gems amongst them."

You hummed in agreement, and the two of you continued to talk about KPOP and your biases as you finally went home, with no more stops. 

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