Chapter 13: Party Party Yeah!

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After Vinayaka Chavithi, you didn't talk to Rakesh for a while. Everytime you thought he was getting better, he just seemed to get worse. It felt like it was always one step forward, then three steps back. You still showed up to the office sometimes, but only really to talk to Lakshmi who you had gotten pretty close with. When Ajay didn't take her home, you did, and you took the opportunity to introduce her to your favorite Indian and KPOP songs, as well as some English ones, which she also began to recognize and lightly hum along in the car. She told you Padhu had decided to compete in the Miss India pageant as well, which you were surprised to hear, but nonetheless still supported. 

Padhu's birthday also passed, and you celebrated by buying her some jewelry and chocolates. While she accepted your gift graciously, it felt like her heart wasn't really into it. She later told you that her mother had forced her to attend pellichoopulu (matchmaking for marriage) in exchange for letting her participate in the beauty pageant. This was ruining her relationship with Srinu, so she was overall just very upset ("The whole reason I agreed to the pageant was because Srinu asked me," she lamented, as you nodded sympathetically). You offered to help her if needed, but she said that she wanted Srinu to talk to her of his own accord. 

As you were leaving the office today with Lakshmi, a voice stopped the two of you. "Hey y/n, Lakshmi!" You both turned around, seeing Ajay and Rakesh. They speed-walked a little to get to your sides.

"Lakshmi, there is a party today at the club, you have to join us," Ajay said, smiling. "Obviously you too y/n," he added. 

You forced a smile, "Sure, if I'm not busy, then maybe I'll stop by," you said ambiguously. 

"Hey, y/n, come on," Rakesh said, grabbing your wrist as you turned around. You immediately stopped and looked down at his hand on your wrist, then back at him, raising one eyebrow. He promptly let go of you. He pulled you aside gently. "Please, can you come? Paru is also coming, Suresh already told me," he said. You turned your head to the side, not replying. Rakesh tried to direct your eyes back onto him. "Please, please, please, I'm sorry for whatever I did." You huffed, looking back at him. "I won't be able to enjoy if you're not there, can you please come?" Feeling your resolve breaking, you gave in, nodding your head slowly. Rakesh grinned. "Yes! Thank you so so so much y/n!" He hugged you tightly, making you push him off. 

You raised your finger, warning him. "This won't happen again, so don't repeat what you did." Rakesh nodded his head. You held back a smile at his enthusiasm, not wanting to look too weak. You both walked back to where Lakshmi and Ajay were talking. 

"Please Lakshmi, see, even y/n is coming," Ajay tried to convince. Lakshmi looked at you, and you nodded, silently agreeing. 

Lakshmi slowly nodded her head. "Okay, I will be there at 7," she said. The two of you left, and you went to get ready after dropping her at home. 


"I asked Abhi to come," Paru was saying as she applied her mascara. She was dressed in a glittery champagne-colored, off-shoulder dress that ended a few inches above her knees. You had arrived a bit late, and were still trying to choose what to wear, still in a towel. 

"That's nice of you, just make sure Suresh doesn't hurt him," you said, staring at your closet and willing an outfit to just materialize out of thin air. "Ugh! I have nothing to wear," you groaned, falling down backwards on the bed. 

"Stop being dramatic, I'm sure you'll find something." Paru's phone rang as she applied her lipstick. "Hello? Yeah, I'm almost done." She covered her phone, talking to you. "Suresh will be here in five, do you want me to wait for you?"

Not wanting to waste her time (or spend any extra time with Suresh), you told her to go on ahead, saying you'll meet her at the club. She yelled out a 'bye,' as she left, the door clicking shut. Suddenly, you got an idea of what to wear, grinning as you shuffled through your clothes.

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