Chapter 6: Calls

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The next couple of months passed by fairly quickly, as you got accustomed to India. You hung out with Paru a lot as you helped her with her preparations for the Miss India pageant. Rakesh also invited you to hang out with his friends, and one-on-one sometimes too. You even started visiting B-phase more often to hang out with Maya and Padhu, who was actually Srinu's relative, so you ended up getting close to all of them as well. For the most part, life was pretty chill, apart from the occasional fights between the two gangs of guys. You wanted to tell Rakesh to stop, but you felt like it wasn't really your place to say anything. 

You were walking down the streets of B-phase alone after meeting up with Padhu, when you noticed Rakesh, Suresh, Ajay, and the others, along with one of the younger guys in your colony, catching up to Srinu, Nagaraj, and Abhi. They cornered the three, and you went to go see what's up. 

"You hit a Gold-phase guy?" Rakesh was saying.

"Look boss, we didn't hit him or scold him. Your guy made the mistake. His behavior was bad, so Maya madam slapped him," Srinu explained.

"Did you hit him or not?" Rakesh asked firmly.

"We didn't," Srinu said. 

"Even so, who are you to take him," Ajay interrupted. "Are you the police? Is she a saint?" He pushed Nagaraj and Srinu back. 

Understanding the situation, you got really upset. You could handle small conflicts between the boys, but insulting a woman? Hell no. You went up to intervene, looking for a way to get through the tight crowd both gangs formed. You were going to give that guy a piece of your mind. 

Nagaraj raised his finger, looking serious. "Hey! Rakesh, tell him to talk nicely."

"What nicely?" Ajay got up in his face, only to be held back by Rakesh. 

"Wait, hold on." Rakesh turned to Nagaraj.

"He made a mistake, got beat, that's it! If it repeats again, things won't be nice, tell him." Nagaraj said.

Rakesh scoffed and looked to the side briefly. "What mistake, huh? Don't you look at her? Don't you hit on her? It's wrong if our guy does it?"

You were shocked. Rakesh had always been respectful to you, and you knew he loved his younger sister as well. How could he speak about another woman like that?

"She's from our place, so she's our girl, and it's our wish. If we come to your phase and comment on your girls will you be quiet?" Nagaraj asked. 

Rakesh chuckled. "Street dogs aren't allowed in Gold-phase."

"Hey Rakesh! Watch your words," Nagaraj said, getting even more angrier. 

Suresh stepped up, getting up in Nagaraj's face. "Do it and try, I'll rip you apart, saale."

"Hey! If you've got guts, then you do it!" Nagaraj responded.

"Oh yeah?" Suresh turned around, whistling at another girl, who happened to be Satya. "Hey girl, do you want to come to tuition? I'll give you some private lessons." 

"I'll beat you with my slipper!" Satya replied, taking off her slipper. 

"Hey cutie, come!" Suresh replied. That's fucking it! 

Srinu hit Suresh, leading to a huge fight between both groups. You wrestled your way through the guys, getting close to Suresh, who looked surprised at you. 

"Hey guys, stop!" Abhi was standing. "Paru should've been here," he said, smiling innocently. Suresh moved to hit him, but you caught him by the back of his shirt and slapped him, getting everyone's attention. 

"Damn fucking right she should've been here, she would've seen how disgusting you people are," you said. 

"y/n, what are you doing her-"

You shot Rakesh a deadly glare, and he immediately closed his mouth.

"You people, all of you," you looked to all of the boys, who had given you some space, "are some of the most repulsive people I've ever met." You stormed towards the guy who had harassed Maya and punched him in the face, causing him to grab his nose and groan. 

"That's what you get for harassing my friend, you piece of shit."

"You bitch!"

"Shut the fuck up! I can't believe you're so fucking desperate to be touched by a lady that you would have to resort to harassment. What a fucking loser." You turned to the rest of the guys, who were looking at you, stunned at seeing you swear so badly in English. 

"And the rest of you. She's not a statue or a thing for you to ogle at, she's a person. If any of you fuckers have any sort of respect for the women in your lives, then you wouldn't objectify any lady. Fucking losers," you said, looking at both your B-phase and Gold-phase friends.

"And Suresh, don't even think for a second that I won't let Paru know what happened with Satya. She should know what kind of treatment you give to other women." 

"Hey!" Suresh surged towards you, ready to yell. 

"What! Do you wanna go?" You got ready to fight, glaring up at him. At any other time, the scene might've looked comedic, as a short 5'2" women was challenging a guy who was easily half a foot taller than her. 

Suresh pushed you back. "You little-" 

"Hey Suresh!" Rakesh pushed him back, looking angrier at his friend than you had ever seen. 

"What Rakesh? You know, out of everyone here, I'm most disappointed in you. How could you defend this kind of behavior? Don't you have a sister? If someone acted this way with her, catcalling and harassing, would you sit back and stay quiet?" you asked. Rakesh lowered his head, hurt that you were upset with him. 

You shook your head in disgust. "Honestly, fuck you all. I can't even stand to be around people like you guys anymore." You turned to walk away, before stopping and looking at the guy who was the reason for all of this. "If you do anything like this one more time, you best believe that I'll put you in jail. B-phase or Gold-phase, or anywhere in the world, I'll see you who will give you a job if you have that on your record," you warned, walking away. 

"Let's go guys," Rakesh ushered his friends to their cars. "We'll show them some other time."

Once they left, Nagaraj, who didn't understand English, asked Srinu and Abhi. "What did she say? I only understood that she was crazy mad."

Srinu replied, "She basically cussed us all out for not giving Maya madam respect, and then threatened that guy with jail-time." 

"It's probably best if we're careful around her, she seems a bit scary," Abhi said, (jung)shook. 

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