Chapter 1: Are you new here?

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You sighed, looking out the window of your car as houses and shops zoomed past. After five years, you were finally coming back to India for a break before going to medical school. Having grown up in the States for nearly your entire life, you barely knew what India was like. The last time you were here, you were staying with your grandparents in Andhra, but this time, you were staying with your parent's old friends and their daughter, Paru.

The car turned a corner and slowed down, the driver looking for someone to ask for directions. Rolling down the window, he asked a couple of young guys who were taking a stroll. 

"Sir, where is Gold-Phase A-20?"

A guy with glasses responded. "Go down the street, take a left, and it will be the third house on the right." He looked at you through the window, smiling. 

"Hey, are you Paru's friend?" One of the other guys, with smaller eyes and a bandanna across his forehead asked.

You nodded, keeping your window up. 

"I guess we'll see you around here more often then," the first guy responded.

"Guess so," you replied shortly, not wanting to make conversation. You signaled to your driver to go from the mirror. He nodded, thanking the guys and going. 

You quickly arrived at Paru's house, seeing her and her dad waiting for you.

"Hi uncle, hey Paru!" You greeted them, getting out of the car and folding your hands together into 'Namaste.'

"Hi y/n! It's been so long since I've seen you," Paru replied, giving you a tight hug.

"How are you, dear? Is everything good at home?" Uncle asked. 

"I'm fine uncle, just a bit jetlagged. And everyone is fine at home, thank you for asking," you responded. 

"Please, come inside. Driver, bring her luggage in," Uncle instructed. You took off your shoes and went inside, looking around. 

"y/n, are you hungry? I remember last time your mom said you didn't eat properly during the flight," Paru said. 

"Actually yeah, can I go take a shower first though? I haven't gotten a good chance to freshen up properly for the past two days," you said. 

"Oh yeah, of course. Let me show you your room and washroom." Paru led you upstairs, showing you the room and how to use the shower in the washroom. "Take your time, we'll send your luggage up and lunch will be ready for you." 

You took a shower and picked out some clothes to wear, feeling super refreshed. Going downstairs, you saw Paru waiting for you at the dining table. 

"Sit, sit. Dad had to go back to work, but I'm here. Our cook made a lot of specials today, since you're coming," Paru said, while the maid started to serve you. 

"Aww, thank you," you said. The two of you talked while you ate, updating each other on major life events. You told her about how you had finished a semester early in college, and were now just waiting to start medical school in the fall, and she told you about her Miss India preparations. 

"By the way, if you're not tired, do you want to go watch a cricket match with me? The guys from our colony are competing against guys from another colony?" Paru asked you.

"Yeah, sure. What time?" 

"Like in an hour," she said. "We can choose outfits together, and I'll introduce you to everyone here."


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