Part 8

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After a bit I look outside the window because it's getting really dark.

I say with a bit of concern "It looks like it's going to storm. I hope there's no lightning."

Ezra says "It'll be fine, we'll at least get some rain."

I sit back and we watch the movie. After a bit I hear a huge crack of thunder that makes me jump.

Ezra asks "Are you ok? You're really pale, and–are you shaking?"

I don't answer and just turn away. I tense at the next boom and just manage not to cry out. Suddenly I feel Ezra put his arms around me.

He says "It's ok to be afraid, just come here I'll keep you safe."

I turn to him and he pulls me against his chest. I put my arms around him and hold on tight.

I mumble into his shirt "T-thank you, you don't know how much I n-need this."

He laughs gently and replies "You're welcome, I could tell that you're scared. Could you tell me why you're so afraid of thunder?"

I look up at him and say "I have always been scared of thunder even before my family started to throw me out in thunderstorms when they were mad at m-me. One time I got struck by lightning. Ever since I've been scared of both thunder and lightning, but thunder really scares me. Even years after my family k-kicked me out. "

He is silent for a while but eventually says "So that's why you gave me that crown, my family reminded you of yours."

 I nod and say "I didn't want you to go through what I did."

He chuckles and says "You know, I didn't expect a mighty dragon to be so kind and also scared of a bit of thunder."

I reply "S-shut up Ezra."

He laughs again and we are both silent for a bit, each in our own respective worlds.

After a bit Ezra asks "Hey Julian, your hair looks soft and it's so long. Can I touch it?"

I look up at him a bit surprised but say "I-if you want to. I don't mind."

He then puts his hand on my hair and is eventually running his fingers through it. My eyes fall droopy as his fingers graze through my hair. I fall asleep in his lap with him still messing with my hair.  

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