Part 4

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When I wake up I find myself leaning against a wall. I try to move my hands but I realize I am chained to the wall. I look down at my feet to see manicles on my ankles. I feel my shirt sticking to all the cuts and feel blood running down my forehead from a slash there. I hear a door opening and look up to see a guy standing in the doorway.

It's the guy who stole my treasure. He comes toward me and I start to struggle trying to get free of the chains. He crouches down in front of me and pulls from his pocket a blade. I'm now truly afraid and start to struggle even more, scratching my wrists and ankles on the sharp edges on the manacles.

He, noticing my fear, says softly "Hey I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just using the knife to cut away your shirt so I can get to your wounds. I don't want you to bleed out on me."

I say still trying to get free "Why should I trust you? You stole from me, fed me drugged meat, and chained me to a wall."

He sits there a moment as if in shock "You're the dragon?!"

I say "Yes, I am, I've come back for only one piece of treasure that is very dear to me."

He says "You need to calm down. Let me bandage your wounds first. Then I will give you back the treasure if you answer some of my questions."

I say, still struggling, "Why should I answer anything, just give me back my heart."

Suddenly he grabs my wrists and pins them to the wall. I stay still shocked and still a bit afraid as he lets go of my wrists and picks up the knife again. He moves closer in front of me and pulls on the collar of my shirt. He then uses his knife to cut a slit down the front of the shirt. After he carefully cuts the sleeves so that he can get the shirt off.

He puts the knife down and gently peels the wet fabric away from my skin. I let out a hiss as the fabric pulls my skin a bit making the wounds stretch. He puts it aside and looks a bit pale as he looks at all the blood and bruises and wounds covering my chest and stomach.

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