Part 21

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After a bit I decide to go out to see what food I can bring back. Ezra wants to go with me but I tell him to stay behind because his parents are going to be looking for him.

He asks "Then what can I do while you're gone? I don't want to be waiting here worrying about you."

I think for a second and say "You could get firewood, so that when I come back we can cook whatever I catch."

Ezra smiles and says "Ok, I'll also see if I can find some berries or something."

I reply, smiling too, "Ok, just let me see what they are before you eat any. I know what is poisonous or not in these woods. And make sure you're not seen by anyone." 

He nods and I go to the front of the cave and take off. I head to my usual hunting grounds and land in a clearing. I breathe in and try to find the scent of prey. I find it but somethings off, it's very quiet.

I start forward, following the scent and soon find a big moose. I go in and am about to bring it down when I hear something snap. I fall over as I feel a sharp pain in my leg. The moose thunders into the forest.

I look down and find that a bear trap has closed onto my ankle. I silently curse, it'll make getting the moose a lot harder. I'm about to take the bear trap off when I hear something coming toward me. I get up and start to limp away. I can feel that whatever it is I don't want to confront it with my leg hurt.

I make it back to the clearing I usually take off and land in and rest for a second. I hear something behind me and turn to find Ezra's parents and the other three people from the mines standing in front of me. 

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