Discovering her

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"You... you're my real mother?" Lincoln asked. Sumiko just nodded yes. "This is a joke, isn't it? Did Luan put you up to this? How much did she pay you?" Lincoln said, frantically. "What are you talking about, honey?" Sumiko asked, very confused, "Oh, you mean your prankster sister? No, never in a million years would I ever do a deal with her. Ever." Sumiko said. 

"Ok... I trust you... If you are my mother, then... where were you all my life? Why didn't you raise me?" Lincoln asked. "Well, I couldn't." Sumiko said. "Why not?" Lincoln asked. Sumiko sighed and said, "It's a long story, sweetheart but you deserve to know so let me tell it to you. Shortly after giving birth to you, I developed uterine cancer, and I was really sick. My husband, your father decided to take care of you while I got treatment until... he died." she explained. "He died? From what?" Lincoln asked. 

"He died from a car accident in 2013. I remember. And after he died, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't raise you on my own, I was too sick and too poor to do so and your grandparents were both retired and way past raising children so with no other options left, I gave you to Rita shortly after your 3rd birthday. I spent 4 years in remission. I spent another 3 years in therapy to recover from the trauma of giving birth, having cancer, the love of my life being murdered and my big brother dying of overdose, I spent the last 3 working and trying to save enough money to buy a nice enough house for the both of us." Sumiko explained to her son. Her voice cracked a little as she explained it. Lincoln could tell she was getting emotional.

Lincoln was speechless. He didn't know that this woman went through so much trauma. She's clearly gone through a lot. She lost her brother, then she lost her husband, she was about to be the third one gone. "I'm sorry to hear that... mother." Lincoln said. Sumiko's eyes got a little more open as she heard him call her "mother". "Mother? You called me "mother"?" Sumiko asked, smiling and a little teary eyed. 

"Well, of course. You ARE my mother, right? We both have white hair, same eye color, etcetera, you even said you gave birth to me, so you are my mother." Lincoln said, "And what you went through, I'm sorry to hear that and I understand. I understand completely.". Sumiko just smiled and hugged him. "Thank you, koibito. I'm glad you understand." Sumiko said. "You're welcome, ma." Lincoln said as they broke the hug. 

Sumiko then got up and took Lincoln's old, moldy and worn-out pajamas. She then went to the trashcan and threw them away. "What are you doing?" Lincoln asked. "Oh, I threw away your old pajamas." Sumiko said, "Don't worry, I got new clothes for you. All they are, are just basic sweatpants, a plain white t-shirt, some boxers and some sandals. May not be much and all fancy but it will do for now. I hope you're ok with it.". "I'm fine with it, mama. Thanks." he said, reaching in for another hug. Sumiko pulled back. "First, you need a shower. You stink." Sumiko said as she got out a Dove soap with an axe 2-in-1 and an Old Spice deodorant. 

"Thanks, mother." Lincoln said. "You're very welcome, amai pai." Sumiko said. "Amai pai?" Lincoln asked. "It's Japanese for sweetie pie." Sumiko said. "Oh, ok." Lincoln said. 

Suddenly, the doctor came in. "Oh, I see your son has woken up." he said, "Lincoln, nice to see that you're awake. How are you feeling?". "Uh... numb, I think I have a slight headache. I think I also noticed some bandages too." Lincoln said. "Oh, of course. You were bloodied up pretty bad there, sport. Your wounds are healing up very fast, though." the doctor said. "He's got good strong genetics." Sumiko said, "So, when should he be out of here?" Sumiko asked. "Oh, he should be out by tonight. I'd say 5 tonight. It's almost 4:45 so I say get ready." the doctor said. "Sounds great! Konichiwa, doctor!" Sumiko said. "You're welcome." the doctor said as he walked out. 

"So, can I take a shower?" Lincoln asked. "Go ahead." Sumiko said as she handed him his clothes and soap products. 

15 minutes later...

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