Hells punishment.

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"Who gave you those bruises."

Crowley had just gotten into the bookshop, he flopped onto the couch and adjusted his shirt collar to be a little higher. "Morn' Aziraphale..." he yawned.

Aziraphle looked at him and the very warm, almost bordering on too warm clothes he had on and then outside. It was black. Tiny little stars twinkling in the curtain of darkness and a bright, full moon above the bookshop, shining down onto the street.

"It's 8pm." Aziraphale said simply. Crowley raised his eyebrows and shrugged. "Crowley..? Are you okay?" He asked and the demon just shrugged again. Aziraphle came over and placed a hand on the demons thigh, he flinched away and aziraphle moved back, confused but not wanting to startle Crowley too badly. Crowley tried to make it look nonchalant but his Sleeves rolled up, his collar moved, his glasses slightly shifted.

He huffed and readjusted everything. "Oh really? I hadn't noticed." He said and shuffled around. Aziraphale silently walked away, kept his distance as he muttered to himself. "Aziraphale im fine. I just didn't notice the time. Relax." Crowley mumbled.

"He.... I don't have a choice... it's... there's a miracle surrounding him. There's a miracle." The ángel mumbled and made a choice, a choice he didn't want to make. "Now or never Aziraphale." He mumbled to himself. He rushed over and plucked crowleys glasses off his face, the miracle melting away, being attached to his glasses.

Crowleys eyes were almost whited out, scars going across them, fresh scars, there were bruises, burns, a massive cut going down his lips. Aziraphale gasped and almost dropped crowleys glasses. He set them down and sat next to Crowley, who at the time was flinching away and trying to move.

"Who gave you all these bruises." Aziraphale asked sternly. "Answer me Crowley." He added. Crowley immediately tensed at the sound of rage in Aziraphales voice and tears threatened to escape his eyes. "Crowley, Crowley you can tell me."

He shook his head and stood up, didn't last very long though before he collapsed to the floor, the miracle of his glasses not able to hold him up anymore. "Don't- don't worry." He said, trying to push himself back up, getting support from the floor, a chair, a nearby table, azi- "Aziraphale I said I'm fine, don't worry about me." Crowley pressed out through gritted teeth. Azjraphale took crowleys weight, one arm round his waist, the other holding one of crowleys arms over his shoulders.

Crowley pushed Aziraphale away, slowly taking steps on his own towards the exit to the book shop until everythjng spun, he collapsed, hitting a shelf on the way his head cracking agaisnt the floor. He cried out in pain and held a hand over his side, deep red, nearly black blood making a massive stain in his shirt.

Aziraphale scrambled over and gently lifted crowleys upper body into his lap, suporting his ribs and spine, neck and shoulders, Crowley grit his teeth and panted, trying not to let his injuries bother him. Aziraphale held a hand over the bleed on crowleys shirt and Crowley winced.

"Shh it's okay. It's... it's okay I promise." Aziraphale said, tearing up and having to swallow back tears. Crowleys eyes started fluttering shut and aziraphle put more pressure on the main blled, accidentally hurting Crowley. "Shh. It's okay. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Listen to me... stay awake. Stay... awake for me." Aziraphale whispered and Crowley made a semi conscious noise.

He was trying he really was, but Aziraphales voice started going muffled, the world swimming out of focus until a new jolt of pain brought him back. "Fuck!" He exclaimed and held a hand to his stomach. A few, tiny teardrops fell onto his skin and he felt a sense of calm... a bad sense.

Aziraphale held him, slowly looping his free arm under crowleys legs and shifting him gently. "Hold on for a little longer, I'll keep you safe I swear it." Crowley nodded, he would hold out as long as he possibly could. He picked Crowley up and the demon nearly screamed in pain. "I'm sorry Crowley, I'm sorry." The ángel whispered and went through the bookshop as fast as he could, setting Crowley in his bed and graciously not mentioning the blood all over his jacket.

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