Once Rosie had manaaged to get back up again, all-be-it this time much slower, she sighed and straightened her hair bow before walking towards the door, but just as she was about to open it, she gasped and took a sudden step back as it suddenly opened a crack and a smallish head peaked through with bright blonde curls.

When the twos eyes connected, the boy with the brightest blue eyes Rosie had ever seen gasped as he looked at the girl in front of him whom had immediately fallen onto her bum when the door had opened so suddenly, and bashfully grinned.

"Oh dear, sorry about that." He mumbled a little shyly.

"You see I um.... We'll I was curious about you. My sister had to go out to do something with mum and she really didn't wanna go, she wanted to stay here to look after you." He continued to ramble.

"But mum made her promise, so she made me promise to check in on you, and besides, I wanted to meet the woman my sister has fallen so hard for."

Once he had finished his ramble the boy who looked as if he couldn't have been older than sixteen, opened the door slightly wider, and let himself in as he offered Rosie one of his hands, whilst the other held tightly to a blue rabbit plushie.

"I'm Toby." He said with such a wide smile that his eyes where forced shut.

Rosie blinked for a moment as he mind tried to catch up with everything, before she gave the strange boy a small smile and accepted his help.

"I-I'm Rosie." Rosie greeted him back as she did a clumsy curtsey.

Toby laughed at that as he waved her off.

"No need for formalities, it's not like I'm a prince." He said as he winked.

"Well... than again." He mumbled to himself.

"I suppose I am." He said as he grinned, leaving Rosie both confused and amused all at the same time. She had, at this point worked out that Toby must have been Alex's brother, but where she was she still had no idea, as Rosie pondered this she couldn't help but to look at Toby's rabbit. It was very cute and fluffy, similar to one she had had as a child.

Toby followed her eyes and laughed a little.

"Oh this?" He asked as Rosie blushed at having been caught.

"My boyfriend got it for me." Toby said proudly.

"You wanna see the others?" He suddenly asked with an excitable grin, and before Rosie could even reply, he'd already taken a hold of her hand as he all but ran out of the room and down a hallway that as far as Rosie could tell in her sick and dizzy state, was rather elaborately designed. It was almost as if she'd somehow found herself in a fairytale palace, but that couldn't be right... could it?

Once they had finally stopped walking, Toby opened up a fancy looking door and bounded into the room as Rosie shyly followed behind him.

"This is my room, and here are all the plushies!" He said proudly as he sat on his bed and gestures towards his rather large pile of soft toys. Rosie couldn't help but to smile as she looked at them all.

"Wanna sit?" Toby asked as he patted a spot on the bed beside him. Rosie shyly walked up and sat down on the bed as Toby began to show her each toy, explaining how and why his boyfriend had gifted them to him.

"And this one I haven't found a name for yet, but it was another date present." He said as he pulled out a bunny plushie wearing a pink dress and bow.

"Hey it's kinda like your bow!" Toby pointed out as he noticed Rosie's eyes widen in wonder as she stared at the plushie. Toby's face softened as he smiled at his new friend.

"Which mean that she was meant to be yours." He said cheerfully as he handed Rosie the bunny.

"Here you go!" He said as Rosie blinked up at him in surprise.

"Y-You don't need to do that!" Rosie tried to protest, but toby just laughed and shook his head. "Please, I want too, and besides, this mean that we can have a proper tea party!" He suddenly exclaimed as Rosie giggled. She hadn't had a tea party since she was small!

As Toby used a phone to call someone and arrange some treats and tea to be sent their way, Rosie marvelled at his room. The windows where lined with bright blue curtains made of a plush-like velveteen fabric, and two window bay seats boarded each side of the room. Toby's bed was huge with pastel blue sheets and doonas, and there where soft toys everywhere. The room was so fancy that Rosie was even more confused than she had been before.

"Um... Toby?" She asked the boy who was currently busy setting up his soft toys in chairs at a table in the middle of his room. But he turned back to look at Rosie when she called.

"Could I ask... where I am?" She asked and Toby's face suddenly paled as he blanched.

"Sorry about that, I suppose I jumped in a little quick to the getting to know you part." He said as he got up and walked over to her, sitting back down on the bed to face his newfound friend.

"Your in our winter.... Holiday home of sorts. You are welcome to stay as long as you want and you'll always be safe here. Scouts honour!"

Toby frowned for a moment.

"Not that I'm a scout, but my boyfriend was so that should mean something, and besides I wouldn't let anything hurt you, promise." He assured.

"Anyone that my sister loves is under my protection." He added seriously, before jumping up when there was a knock on his door.

"Here are your treats sir." The butler said with a smile.

"Yay thank you Patrick!" Toby said as he wheeled the tray in and gestured for Rosie to sit at the table. Rosie got the feeling somehow that if anything ever did happen, Toby couldn't truly hurt a fly, but still, she was grateful for his welcome, and as sick as she was, she felt she had found a true friend that she was excited to get to know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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