Extremely hot... chocolates

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Alex let out a relieved sigh as she walked into the door that Rosie had held open and sat down on the old looking couch that the girl gestured towards. This was the first time that Alex had actually been inside of Rosie's dorm. She could tell that she had roommates from the haphazardly thrown jackets and shoes around the place that Alex knew, where not in Rosie's particular style, but she could also see hints of the girls she was falling for within the small buildings walls. The kitchen had baking supplies across the bench tops, that despite Rosie's messy demeanour, had already been cleaned, Alex guessed it was because she didn't want to bother her roommates.

There was an oversized pink sweater laying on the couch, and the smell of hot chocolate wicking from the kitchen. Yep, this was definitely where she lived.

"Um...." Rosie muttered as she looked towards the kitchen in thought.

"Wait o-one second please." She said as she scurried into the kitchen and came back moments later with a small plate and mug that she promptly handed to Alex, who took them in confusion. After all that she had done, Rosie was still offering her sweets?

"I....I'll just go get cleaned up." Rosie shyly murmured as she quickly scurried away, leaving Alex to nervously eat the offering as she waited.

Was she going to break up with her when she came back? Where the sweets intended to soften the blow? Alex couldn't help but to think, but when she'd taken a bite out of the chocolate slice Rosie had gifted her, she couldn't help but to moan in pleasure at the truly amazing taste. Honestly, she wasn't sure that Rosie knew exactly how amazing she was at what she did, Alex could have eaten ten of them if she'd let her, and that certainly wouldn't have boded well for her weight.

When Alex took a sip of the hot chocolate that Rosie had also busied herself making, she let out another moan of delight, and when she opened her eyes and they landed on an incredibly red Rosie, she couldn't help but to gawk.

"I-um.... I'm sorry if there bad." She mumbled, seemingly nervous about Alex's reaction to the food.

Alex rolled her eyes hungrily down her as she took in the sight of the girl that she was falling in love with. She wore the most adorable pink velvet pjs that had frills on them, her hair fell in wet blonde tendrils around her face, and her cheeks where the rosiest red Alex had ever seen, most likely having been caused by the noise Alex had made after tasting her homemade dishes. When Alex's eyes finally found there way back too Rosie's, she breathed out the breath that she hadn't even known that she was holding as she licked her lips and watched with a smirk as Rosie's lips parted ever so slightly and her blush traveled to her ears.

"Delicious." Alex finally replied. "They are the most delicious things I've ever had the pleasure of tasting.... Well, that-is, they are a close second." She finished as she stared at Rosie's parted lips and than watched as she flustered with the edges of her pj tops sleeves.

"I... I... um..." Rosie tried, but when she couldn't seam to bring herself to talk, she gave a little squeak as she quickly mumbled something about getting some hot chocolate and all but ran to the kitchen to gather herself, leaving Alex an equally red, but extremely satisfied princess.

But after Alex had waited a while for Rosie to gather herself and get her own hot chocolate, she began to grow concerned that she hadn't yet come back. Did she need to be alone? Alex wondered. Had she flirted too much? But once she had fully finished her plate, Alex felt that she had the excuse to go and see, but when she got there she quickly placed the plate on the counter top as she knelt down in front of the girl who was sitting on the kitchen floor in tears.

"Rosie?!" Alex asked in a panic.

"Rosie, what's wrong?" She urged as she gently brought the shaking girl into her arms.

"I...." Rosie said in-between her soft sobs.

"Shhh, it's ok I've got you." Alex comforted.

"I.... I... I couldn't find the marshmallows." Rosie finally managed, causing Alex's eyes to widen as she looked at the crying girl in disbelief.

"You couldn't find the marshmallows?" Alex repeated, almost smiling at the adorable girl in her arms at the thought of her being a crying mess over that. Rosie nodded as she buried her head in Alex's chest and sniffled.

"And I.... I couldn't find you either." She mumbled, causing Alex's heart to sink in her chest at how small her voice had sounded as she'd said it.

"Oh Rosie I.... I'm so so sorry. I want to explain everything to you and I know that I don't deserve another chance but... do you think you could hear what I have to say?" Alex asked with baited breath as she waited for the crying girls response.

After a few quick moments, that to Alex felt like absolute centuries, Alex felt and saw Rosie's head nod into her chest.

Alex sighed in relief as she gently picked her up and carried her to the couch, sitting down with Rosie on her lap as she snuggled closer into her, causing Alex to smile warmly despite the ache of fear that pounded her chest at the thought of what she was about to tell her.

Would this change things? Would she still want to date her when she found out who she was?

Charmed. (I'm sure) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt