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Cupcakes. It had all started up again with cupcakes.

That day when Rosie had left her dorm so suddenly, Alex had thought that she probably didn't want to see her again. Specifically, she'd thought that she had picked up on her flirting and had run away due to not being even remotely into women, or just not being into...her.

But just a few days later, when she woke up and opened her dormitory door so that she could walk to her classes, something stopped her in her tracks, and as she looked down at what she'd bumped into, she couldn't help but to grin when she saw the familiar sight of a pink paper bag with swirly writing on it.

Before she even opened it, she knew what would be inside, yet she couldn't help but to marvel at the cupcakes elaborate design and to grin even more as she pictured Rosie being adorably sneaky as she placed it there early in the morning.

With the cupcake and the bag, came a little note made of the very same paper that even smelled of roses. Just like the butter-cream flavour of the cupcake.

When Alex opened the note, she sighed wistfully as she read it.

Dear Alex,

I know that this isn't much, but I just wanted to thank you for all of your help the other day.

I hope that you still like cupcakes,

Rosie :)

The smiley face at the end of it was utterly adorable, but what had Alex's heart jumping in her chest is the fact that Rosie actually remembered her visit to the bakery, which could only mean that she really had been looking at her that day.

Did it mean that she liked her? Alex still couldn't be certain of it, but at least this was a start and maybe if she got up the nerve, she could visit the bakery again to ask her out.

The next morning, Alex was thinking very seriously about doing just that, when she tripped over something and landed with a thud on the floor. She laughed to herself at her clumsiness as she got up and dusted herself off, but when she looked at what it was that she had tripped over in the first place, her eyes grew wide.

It was another little bag. The same one as yesterday, only this time, there where two cupcakes instead of one.

Alex was so shocked at the second gift that she hardly had enough time to be delighted by it before her classes began, but the very next day, yet another bag was there to greet her, only this time, it had three cupcakes in it.

For the next few days as the bags arrived, Alex was a bit of a dopey mess.

She was even asked a few times by her classmates, why exactly she looked like a grinning maniac plotting the end of the world.

And while she wasn't plotting world domination, she had begun to formulate a bit of a plan.

She had been planning to visit Rosie at the bakery in order to see her again and hopefully ask her out, but now she had a better idea.

She would stay up late that night to write a note herself, and plant it, along with a bunch of light pink roses, exactly where Rosie had placed her bag of cupcakes each day.

Alex was rather nervous about the result of such a plan, would it scare her off? Was she moving to quickly? She wasn't entirely sure of the answers to the panicked questions that roamed around her head, but she was enjoying their little flirtation far too much not to continue it.

So she did it, and the next morning when she woke up and chanced a peak behind her door, she was relieved to see that the roses, and the note, where gone and in their place was yet another bag, this time filled with six whole cupcakes, but sadly... no note in reply to her own.

Alex spent the entirety of the week worrying her head off about her plan. She hadn't received any more cupcakes, or any reply to her letter since Rosie had taken it. Was she mad at her? Perhaps what Alex had written in the said letter had been too much too fast...

Whatever it was, it was driving the princess mad and all she wanted to do was to visit the bakery and ask for answers. But she knew that wouldn't help. Besides, the logical part of Alex's brain told her that Rosie probably just needed some time to think it over before she replied, but that didn't stop the worry from messing with her mind.

She had to clear it away somehow, so, she decided to go for a walk to the local gym to get some training in before the night fell, hoping that by the time she got back, she'd be exhausted enough to fall asleep despite the endless thoughts that plagued her.

As she was walking towards her destination however, blowing on her hands to try and keep the cold at bay, Alex hadn't been looking where she was going and before she knew it, she'd bumped into something hard. She gasped and cursed as she almost fell to the ground below her, but when she steadied herself and looked up to realise that what she had bumped into was no longer there, her panicked brain made her look down instead.

And there, laying on the ground like a confused Angel, she found none other than the very girl that she'd been thinking so very much about.

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