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Alex was just your run of the mill, average, kick-ass famous princess. No big deal.

She wasn't mean, she wasn't the kind to party or stay up drinking all night and sleeping with countless girls and men, and no matter what the tabloids liked to say about it, she was most certainly not... bad.

After all, that's just not how she'd been brought up to be. Instead, she was steadfast, strong, took absolutely no sh*t from anyone, and she was always eager to push herself to her limits in order to get stronger.

She was all about health, sport, feminism and showing the world what women can really do.

That's just who she was, but of course, that's not usually what others saw in her. They usually judged a book by its cover and just thought that she was a bad girl. Something she hoped, that the adorable girl in front of her, might just overlook.

"Mm" came the softest voice Alex had ever heard. Her eyes widened as she all but jumped out of her chair and walked over to the stirring girl.

"Hmm.. w-what happened?" She mumbled out as she tried to sit up. Alex was quick to help her as she brought up her arms to steady her.

"Woah there, I got you." She reassured as Rosie got her bearings.

When she looked at her, her eyes grew wide.

"U-Um.... hi." She said softly and Alex gave her a gentle smile.

"Hi love, are you feeling any better? You slept for quite sometime after you fell unconscious back there."

Rosie bit her lip and looked down at her lap, her cheeks heating up with the familiar feeling of shame.

"I-I'm ok. I'm so sorry to have troubled you so much, but thank you for helping me."

"Of course, it's what anyone should have done." Alex replied.

"U-Um could I ask, where am I?" Rosie asked in confusion as she blinked around at her unfamiliar surroundings.

"Ah, my dorm room actually. Hope that's ok, I just.... Didn't know what else to do than to take you here. I thought about taking you to hospital instead, but I knew that I could get a doctor here to see you fairly quickly and I thought you might be more comfortable here."

Rosie giggled a little, before smiling and shaking her head. She literally had, the cutest. laugh. ever.

"It's alright, thank you for taking me somewhere safe, and for saving me. I really owe you my life. How can I ever repay you?"

Alex chuckled as she shook her head and shrugged.

"No need. Though, if you don't mind, that-is, I'd love to get to know you better." Alex replied as she waited with baited breath for the girls response. When her cheeks coloured the cutest shade of pink, she thought that she might just know her answer.

"W-Well um... sure." She managed as she brought her hands into sweater paws and looked bashfully down at her lap.

Seriously, could she even get any cuter?

"Great. For now, I was wondering if you would mind staying here, for the afternoon at least? The doctor mentioned that it would be a good idea for someone to watch over you for the next little while to make sure that you are ok." Alex explained, but when Rosie's eyes widened, she frowned in confusion.

"Afternoon? Oh no, my classes! I must have missed the first two. Oh gosh, I need to get to the last class and apologise to my teacher." She said as she made to get out of the bed and onto her feet.

Alex stepped back as she tried to respect the girls urgency, but watched her in concern as she got up. She was quick to jump in to steady her however, when she wobbled a little on her feet.

"Rosie I don't know if going to classes is the best idea right now, perhaps you could call them and say that your sick?" She asked as Rosie looked down with a sigh.

"I... I can't afford to see a doctor to get a medical certificate so... I just... have to go." She said softly, her voice cracking a little on the last few words.

"Hey." Alex said gently as she placed a gentle hand on her chin to bring it up to look at her.

"That's ok, I already had a doctor see you, I can get the certificate from her, and don't worry, I've got it covered." She reasured, but when Rosie's eyes widened as they filled with unshed tears, she frowned. Had she gone to far? Been to pushy? Said to much? She began to panic.

"Y-You don't have to do that I... I don't want to be a burden to you. After all, we've only just met, how could I expect you to do something like that for me?" She asked as her tears began to fall.

Alex smiled as she gently wiped them away.

"Because I want to." She said as she looked deeply into Rosie's eyes, drawing a little closer to her as she did so.

"Rosie I..." She began to say, but when she frowned and broke their eye contact as she backed away from her a little, Alex froze as she didn't know what to make of her sudden change in demeanour.

Had she gone to far? Gotten to close? Or worse, scared her?

"I..." she began as she looked as if she where trying to gather herself for what she was about to say next.

"Thank you for helping me today ah..."

Alex tried to keep her gentle smile even though it was hard at the suddenly formal atmosphere her dorm room had taken on.

"It's Alexandria, but you can call me Alex, if you'd like."

"Alex..." Rosie repeated, and for just a moment, Alex almost thought she could see a smile blossoming on her beautiful face, but in an instant, that smile was replaced by a almost-fake one. A smile that made Alex's heart sink within her chest.

"Thank you Alex, really. What you did for me today means the world and I really appreciate your offer, but I really must be going."

She said as she began to turn and walk towards the door, when she reached it, she paused for a moment, chanced a look back and met Alex's eyes once again, this time with a look of utter sincerity that caused Alex to loose her breath.

"One day, I'm going to make it up to you Alex. I promise." She said, and with that, she opened the door, and closed it behind her, leaving Alex breathless and flustered, and rather extremely confused.

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