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Rosie literally squeaked at her sudden realisation as she quickly scrambled out of the position she was in, stood in front of Alex and bowed her head in shame.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry, it probably sounds silly but I didn't even realise I was.... U-um..."

Alex looked at the girl in bemusement as she clearly struggled to articulate her words. Her cheeks where becoming redder by the moment, so Alex decided to spare her.

"Sitting on my lap?" She asked as she tried to hold back a smirk, but couldn't help but to laugh a little when Rosie gave an embarrassed little nod.

"Don't be sorry Rosie, I certainly don't mind... in-fact, you may sit on my lap any time you'd like." Alex said, her voice taking on a much more flirtatious tone as Rosie fumbled with what to say in reply.

"I... I-um..." she tried.

"Well um... t-thank you again for saving me." She changed the subject.

"You've done that so many times now I... I really must think of someway to repay you."

Alex shook her head.

"Please, it was my pleasure and there is nothing you need to do. I'm just glad that I was there." She replied.

"Speaking of being um... well being here." Alex continued as Rosie still struggled to gather herself.

"I was wondering if you'd be free to meet up tomorrow, there's this place I know of that I think you might like."

Rosie bit her lip as she gave Alex a shy nod, something that caused Alex's heart to jump in her chest as she found herself quite literally wanting to woop for joy, but she worried that that might scare Rosie, so instead she settled on a grin.

"Great, shall I pick you up at say, six?" She confidently asked as Rosie gave her another shy nod.

"Great, are you going to continue your shift today?" Alex asked.

"Yes, I... want to help." Rosie replied.

"Ok, but if you need anything, please let me know. I know that fall must have been really scary. Oh, and by the way, here's my number so if you need to you can call me anytime."

Rosie blushed again as she accepted the little note that Alex handed her and placed it safely in her pocket.

"Thank you." She replied softly, to which Alex grinned as she got up, placed some money in the table, and bid her goodbye before walking out of the bakery with a spring in her step.

Once she had left, all that Alex could think about was Rosie, what she was going to wear, and how she could try to impress her during their date. She tried to get rid of her nervous excitement by training at her local gym, but even after three hours of intense training, she still felt it. But at least she'd been able to get to sleep.

When the next day began however, she was excited and nervous beyond belief. And once the afternoon came around, Alex had spent the next few hours getting ready, and than pacing around her dorm when when she realised that she'd gotten ready too quickly.

She'd decided upon wearing her usual style, all be it a little more dressy than normal. She choose a pair of tightly fitting black jeans, a white tank top, and a long black jacket. She also wore a soft grey scarf and opted to remove her shades since it would look a little weird for her to be wearing them during the night.

After a while of pacing around, trying to get rid of her nervous energy, Alex decided to walk towards Rosie's dorm a little early and wait around.

Once she got there, she was surprised to see Rosie already waiting on her doorstep.

"Good evening madam." Alex said formerly as she walk up to her and grinned as she gave her a small bow. Rosie giggled at her antics as she curtseyed back.

"Charmed, I'm sure." She said softly, to which Alex could help but to laugh.

"Wow, you look beautiful today." Alex said as she offered Rosie her hand to hold. Rosie's cheeks coloured bright red as she shyly accepted it.

Rosie was wearing a pastel-pink dress with little white daises on it, a soft pink cardigan White leggings, and warm looking winter boots clad with bows. She looked utterly adorable as-always with her pink bow in her hair, and when Alex noticed that her handbag had a fluffy little bear hanging off of it, she couldn't help but to internally cue at her style.

"You look a-amazing." Rosie meekly replied as they began their walk.

"So, are you studying baking here as well as working at the shop?" Alex attempted to continue their conversation.

"Yes, I'm almost finished, just two trimesters left. What are you studying Alex?" She asked.

"I'm studying a course in personal training. I've had a lot of experience in fitness and thought that it would be interesting to learn how to help others achieve their goals as well."

Rosie hummed in understanding.

"That sounds amazing. Getting to see the smile on people's face when I give them a custom order always makes my day." Rosie replied, seaming to feel a little more comfortable speaking with Alex now as they walked.

"Awe, that's so sweet. Have you been baking for a long time?" She asked.

"Yes, I've been baking since I was a child, my mother taught me and ever since than, I've never stopped." As Rosie said this, she started playing with a bracelet that Alex hadn't noticed until than. It was a golden coloured bangle with a floral pattern all around it. It suited her.

"Your mother sounds amazing. Sounds like you had lots of fun together." Alex commented, but frowned when Rosie's eyes suddenly misted over as she nodded and seamed to take a second to find composure before she could reply.

"Yeah. She was amazing."

"Was?" Alex asked as she suddenly stopped in her tracks and looked at Rosie in concern.

"Yes she... she passed away when I was sixteen." Rosie admitted as she looked down at her hands and tried not to cry. Alex gently brought her chin up to look at her, and wiped her tears away.

"I'm so sorry for your loss Rosie. I'm sure that she is in a wonderful place now and that she is always watching over you."

Rosie nodded.

"Yeah, I know she is." She replied, before plastering a smile on her face, and tugging on Alex's hand so that they could continue their walk.

"What about your family Alex? Do they live nearby?"

Alex thought for a moment about how to answer that. It was rather clear that Rosie didn't know who she was yet, and honestly Alex was enjoying being treated like a normal person for once so for now, she'd prefer it to stay that way, but she also didn't want to lie to her.

"My family...."

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