Chapter Four ~ Struggles

Start from the beginning

"I have been watching those races since I was a kid. My dad also works at an automotive industry."

The girls turned their heads towards Amara shouting, "No way!" Saranya added, "You inherited those genes from your baba." "Yea", Amara giggled.

Later on, the professor asked them if they have any challenges. They do have a common difficulty, Assignments!

Cameron said, "In movies, actors are just pretending like a happy college students. They Can be happy because they don't have assignments to finish."
Everybody nods as an agreement. Afterwards, the professor promised the girls that he would extend the due date.

One night around mid-July, Amara's mom called to check how's her daughter doing. Without hesitation, Amara told her mom that she was struggling with assignment deadlines. Exactly how typical moms would react, she scolded her for not studying. In addition, she even told her daughter to stop watching WWR. Mother's nature is to guide their child to the right path and of course, they want their children to be better than them. However, her words kind of hurt Amara. WWR is the reason she's Learning Engineering!

The next morning, Amara woke up with a gloomy feeling. It's Holiday and the tests are coming. Her father examined Amara's face carefully and noticed what's going on. He asked her if she's feeling well.

"I don't know dad. College life is not how I expected. It's more challenging than I thought..."

"Maybe your brain needs a rest. I know you can make it...Like you always did."

"Last night, Mom scolded me for watching WWR and not focusing on the lessons. She told me to stop obsessing with it."

"Hun, Don't take her words seriously. She just wants you to take a break from it. Maybe you can watch the highlights back again."

"But Dad...this is my Life! This is my passion! I've always wanted to be part of that sport. And that's why I'm learning Engineering!"

"I know Hun, This IS my passion too. But you got to concentrate on the lessons. The race can take 2 or 3 hours long. You could learn something in those hours rather than watching WWR."

Amara sighed and faced to the ground, feeling dumb for not using those hours to study.

"Hey...that doesn't mean you have to stop watching the race. You can mute it and study! Those crazy commentators will keep you exhilarated. You can concentrate more if you mute it. You can study And keep up with the race at the same time!"

She looked up her dad with her sparkly eyes, admiring how brilliant her dad is.

"Thanks dad...I'll take that advice...."

"Your welcome...Now, Go get it Tiger!"

His daughter responded with a laugh. She found hope and was ready to start off her day by studying. (Let her cook)Not believing her own eyes, she finished half of the assignments just in one sitting! "I Can Do IT"

When it's time for lunch, she left her desk and helped her dad.

"So...Have you heard of the R2 series ?? They are racing here today!"

"Oh yeah. I know them."

"I wonder if...." Her father paused for a second, looking at her daughter. Amara looked at him with her doe eyes.

"If you would have time to go watch R2 (Regional-Racing Series) with me? It will take a few hours...I know but... I already got 2 tickets"

"Wait...Dad for real?"

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