hot and so sexy

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"things are good," they wait for me to elaborate. "we're still getting to know each other but he's really cool. i like him." i blush stating the obvious. their thrilled demeanor makes me turn the other way. i feel all bashful now.

i grab my only pair of white sneakers and put them on the floor by my overalls. "more ameena please i'm dying here." samara holds her hands together pleading for more information.

"we've been hanging out everyday so things have been progressing pretty quickly." i look for a top. "sexually?" samara asks. i give them both a squinted look and close one of my closet doors. "maybe if you both didn't interrupt last night." i tease.

they gasp and apologize both talking over each other. i laugh and go to my drawer to continue looking for a top. i grab my white crew neck tank top and throw it on top of my bed. "it's okay i'm just teasing." i smile at the both of them.

i cross my arms thinking about my next step in getting ready. "well ameena i can tell that my friend really likes you. i've known him for two, almost three years now and his entire being lights up when he's around you. i haven't seen him smile this much in a long time."

i stand there listening to sam biting my cheek to keep me from blushing anymore than i already am.

"elijah has pure intentions with everything that he does. he values honesty, trust and vulnerability so you don't have to worry about him. he's a sweetheart." sam lends me a supportive smile. his friends speaking highly of him, another green flag.

"i can tell. he's very reassuring." i look down playing with my fingers. "you also don't have to worry about vanessa. i'm sorry that happened yesterday, we really didn't know she was going to be there." she mentions what happened at the show.

hmm, vanessa the stunning ex-girlfriend.

"it's okay i believe you guys." i wanted more information about her but maybe i should ask elijah. but at the same time his thoughts could be biased.

"i need to hurry and get ready but tell me about her." i walk around my room and bathroom grabbing everything i needed for my shower. "vanessa's cool. not your typical ex-girlfriend. they had a mutual breakup so there was no hard feelings. they're childhood friends, there was a lot of chemistry but i think they realized they were better off as friends. she's very mature and honest, i promise she would've never kissed eli if she knew you guys were dating."

there goes that word again... dating. my brain has an aha moment. technically we are dating now right? now that we're going on a date. oh shit.

"interesting. that makes me feel a bit better about her." i sigh. i didn't perceive vanessa as a threat but more of an interesting person in elijahs life that i wanted to know more about.

"she's gayer than she is straight if that helps." sam laughs getting up. "awe so is delilah." i joke. samara laughs and delilah shushes me. "bye, have fun on your date. i want to hear all about it later." she hugs me and i hug her back then say my goodbyes.

i'm alone again.

here we go.


i left my hair down, long and straight. i threw my brush inside of my backpack and sprayed my favorite strawberry scented perfume on.

opposites attractOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz