xlii see you soon JB

Start from the beginning

Montana was confused as to when he had come back over to them as she looked up at the boy whose touch no longer felt warm and brotherly. She began squirming as he pulled them back away from the punch-up happening over stolen money. Only when he loosened his grip on her did she realise he had been dragging her best friend along with them the whole time with an iron grip on her wrist. Conecting their eyes Montana felt the taller give her a small sense of reassurance through a forced smile.

"Mon, Kie, we don't want to hurt you, okay?" He spoke frantically to the two girls letting them go as he blocked them from getting away "Alright where's John B?" Montana watched his eyes that were dilated and took note of the sweat gathering at his hairline; he was definitely on something but before she had a chance to question it Kiara had jumped into action swinging her palm at his cheek.

"I don't know!" She screamed and both girls watched his eyes narrowed to slits. He prowled towards Kie with crazed eyes and all Montana could do was watch in horror, she spared a glance over at the blonde boy who had just gotten kicked in the gut and made an attempt to go back and help him. However, as soon as she took her first step her wrist was gripped, looking back to Rafe she noticed he hadn't taken his eyes off Kie and wondered how he had even noticed her moving. 

"Don't Mon, you'll get hurt" he glanced at her as he spoke through gritted teeth before turning back to the Carrera girl who was sending him evil eyes, "I really wish you didn't do that." he tilted his head from side to side while getting up in the girls grill; a tight hold still on the smaller girl.

"I know what you did," Kiara spoke with laboured breaths as she glanced down at where the boy was gripping Tana and pushed her fears aside as the boy in front of her acted oblivious. 'What? What did I do?' forcing himself even closer to the girl's face to the point she could taste the stale alcohol on his breath. 

Kiara looked over at Montana in silent warning before putting all her breath behind "You murdered Peterkin." Silencing the old shed and making both boys turn to the older Cameron for just a moment. Montana felt his grip on her wrist tighten to the point where it was unbearable and she squirmed around while looking up at the boy whose eyes had turned dark; it was as if the words had triggered a switch to flip in his mind and all he saw was red.

"Don't you ever say those fucking words again?" His other hand connected to the curly-haired girl's neck as he began choking her; Montana watched for a moment as her friend struggled to breathe before she dug her nails into the boy's hand and tugged at it with all her might. Having his attention focused on the girl in front of him also helped and she was able to break free. Immediately she shoved herself between the two and pushed him back successfully making him loosen his grip on Kiara enough for her to get away. 

However, she hadn't thought her plan through because now that Montana was in his line of vision she had become his new target. With Kiara gasping for oxygen on the floor and the blonde boy barely conscious she had no hope. Feeling Rafe's cold hand wrap around her neck made instant panic rise in her throat as she was reminded of the same predicament with her father that she wanted to forget. Squinting her eyes closed she clawed at his hand but it was no use; he was stronger.

Rafe brought his face to her as a crease formed between his eyebrows, "You chose this" he spoke eerily calmly to the girl who just shook her head the best she could in this predicament with betrayal in her eyes.

"No. You did this Rafe" Montana tried to get out between the attempted inhales as she stared into her eyes; as much as she cared for the boy and understood him she would not defend his actions. "You need help" She got out and for a brief moment an understanding passed through his eyes and they softened while looking at her before he remembered what he was doing.

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