xxiii Good Dad?

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"You're the last person I expected to see here Miss Summers" 

Montana had been sat in the room for about an hour, her mind brewing in all the possibilities that this mistake could lead to. 

Sheriff Perterkin spoke with clear shock evident on her face as she placed the files she was holding down onto her desk as she took a seat. Montana shifted uneasily in her seat she'd made her bed and now it was time for her to sleep in it. The girl swallowed dryly before looking up from her dirty Converse meeting the sheriff's questioning gaze; Susan Peterkin; along with everyone else, didn't buy the story the young girl was so adamant about telling but she respected Montana and wanted to find out why she was doing this. 

"Don't tell me you're not happy to see me, Sheriff" Plastering on a brave face, Montana sent the officer one of her award-winning smiles which forced a small smile to grace the woman's lips as she looked down shaking her head. Montana knew it was game time and if she could get the sheriff to believe her story then she had this in the bag and the boy sitting in a cell in this same building would be okay, she needed him to be okay

"Felony destruction of property?" The woman gave Montana a look she knew all too well; it was the look a parent gave you when they were disappointed in you and it was the only look she ever got from her father. The Sheriff was using a scare tactic and hoping it would crack the girl into the truth. " This isn't just some petty crime, it will stay on your permanent record forever" Montana knew her being okay with it would seem too suspicious so she had to play into the Sheriff's soft side. 

"You didn't see what they did to Pope" She pleaded to the woman because even if she didn't believe what Pope had done to be right, Rafe and Topper had been cruel and what consequences did they get for their actions? Sure they'd hurt her too but that wasn't really her concern right now. "I just wanted them to know that their actions had consequences for once" The Sheriff tried to pick out the lie in the girl's words but came out empty-handed, probably because there was truth behind it. Montana knew the island's system was unfair and kooks were privileged more than just their money and that was why she was sitting here and the blonde boy was marinating in a cell right now. 

Sheriff Peterkin sat in silence for a long minute just staring at the girl, trying to decide how she would handle the situation, Montana felt so small under the scrutinizing gaze of the woman sitting in front of her and tried to look as truthful as possible. " I respect you, Miss Summers," Montana could feel the but coming "Are you sure you want to do this?" the woman was giving her an out, anyone in their right mind would take it but for some reason, Montana couldn't let the blame fall on the boy who makes it his mission to make her feel small. 

Sending the Sheriff a challenging look, "I'm not doing anything but telling the truth" making the older woman shake her head and let out an exhausted sigh. "I'm taking full responsibility for my actions" She had a blank face; she wasn't about to show any of her emotions. Montana was wracking her brain for any way to get the blonde out unscathed but nothing was coming to her.

Two photos of the square groupers were placed in front of her and Montana tried to hide the fear she had of those men but the way her face visibly paled and the unintentional fiddling of her rings stopped; the sheriff could tell. Montana's heart rate picked up but her body had stilled; what did the police know about these men? Did they know bout Miss Lana? why didn't they help her? how did they know she was involved? Composing herself she took a dry gulp and sent the Sheriff a questioning look "You don't happen to know these men do you, Miss Summers?" It was a trick question she knew this, the woman already knew the answer so there was no point in lying however she didn't know how much she knew.

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