ix Kegger

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By the time Topper had arrived at the boneyard, the kegger was in full swing, red solo cups were scattered through the beach, there was a bonfire set up, beer chugging competitions were happening and best of all people were laughing. As Montana's door swung open she realised she may have been staring for a second too long, but when she met the sly smirk on Kelce's face she was ready to get down to the party. A second later she saw Sarah on Topper's back and heard her squeal "Piggyback race" She threw herself on the boy's back and kicked her door closed as they started bouncing down the sand. Both girls had their heads thrown back in laughter as the boys were neck and neck until Montana noticed a branch slightly ahead of them popping out of the sand, but before she had a chance to warn either boy they were all in a dogpile rolling around in the sand groaning and laughing. 

Quickly dusting herself off and pulling Kelce up they move slightly ahead of the couple and she raises their hands shouting "VICTORY" as the other three laugh at the girls' antics. Montana then turns to the boy next to her and says "I think we deserve a celebratory drink, Fancy some warm beer good sir?" she says putting on a British accent and holding her arm out for him to 'escort' her to the keg. "That would be grand m'lady" the boy responds with the same awful accent; "should we bring back refreshments for the losers?" he asks feigning confusion as he places his arm in hers and taps his chin. They looked over and saw the couple now standing with mock offended faces "We better get some 'refreshments' I just ate sand" Topper pouted putting an accent when he said refreshments. Sarah just giggled; "Don't be too long good maiden, I'll miss you too much" She blew kisses to the girl who had started making her way to the keg. 

When they made it to the keg the smile on Montana's face grew if that was even possible seeing who was manning it. "JB I didn't know you guys were throwing the party" he smiled seeing the shorter girl in front of him instantly going to fill a cup for her. However, his smile vanished as he looked down catching something hanging off her arm, letting out a huff, and frowning, he looked back up catching the glare of the kook that had attached himself to the girl who was also glaring at him. "You know us Tana, can't say no to a good party. Looks like you and your bodyguard couldn't either." he snarled, spitting the last sentence at the boy in front of him. Seemingly missing the disgust coming from the long-haired boy; "We do love a good party, don't we Kelce" she nudged the boy who was still giving evil eyes to JB and standing stiff as a doorknob as she pulled her arm from his grip not liking the animosity between the two boys. 

"How about that drink JB, any chance I can get an extra couple pleaseee" she pleaded giving a cheesy grin hoping to ease the tension growing. Finally cutting off the staring competition, John B looked back at the girl and chuckled as he finished filling the first cup and handing it to her. "And how many is an extra couple, Tana, you know this stuff is like liquid gold, I should charge you" he jokes handing her another cup. She nibbled her bottom lip and looked back over to Kelce who still looked tense, scrunching up her nose in discomfort "Two each please" but the way she said it sounded more like a question. She then dug around in her pockets "And if you want me to pay you know I c--" she was cut off by a laugh,

"I was just kidding Tana, just keep your dog on a leash," he said holding two cups for the kook boy just out of reach and moving them slightly when he went to grab them finding the kook's frustration amusing. Kelce snatched the cups out of his hands, going to lunge forward muttering a small 'that's it' before being shoved back by Montana. Still pushing the boy back she shouted over her shoulder "Thanks JB, love you, save me a dance yeah?" as they made their way further and further from the Routledge boy who was still finding the situation amusing as he held up finger guns and said something that sounded like 'you got it' but she couldn't be sure. 

Shaking her head with a smile Montana and Kelce were now wandering around looking for Sarah and Topper who had vanished from the crowd of people. That was until Montana heard

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