xxxv it's a lovely hot tub

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Soon after Montana had called the group out they all guiltily piled back into the van ready to leave the 'crackhead wasteland'

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Soon after Montana had called the group out they all guiltily piled back into the van ready to leave the 'crackhead wasteland'. Montana was sitting in the back corner of the van with her arms crossed and body turned from the group, they all knew she was right but what could they do about it now? While she pouted in the back Montana thought over the argument between the group Montana thought her father had covered the full restitution when he bailed her out but the department clearly added more for the poor boy. It was her fault he was in this position if she hadn't given him the idea he would be fine, she'd do what she could to find the money to pay it off for him whether she had to dip into her savings or trust, she was responsible.

John B pulled up at The Wreck as Kiara had told them it was closed and they'd be able to chill and recuperate there. John B and Sarah were sitting at one table while Montana and Kiara sat at the other with Pope leaning against the window just staring out. Montana had lost the pout from her lips as she tried to focus on the conversation happening in front of her, she'd been trying to keep her mind from wandering back to their roadside situation.

"Look, he'll come around, all right? It's..." John B trailed off trying to find the right words, "He's doing a JJ thing." That was what Montana had to remember, this group; John B, had known the blonde boy his whole life and she had to believe he knew what was best for him. "You think he'll go home?" Kiara questioned; they'd all become curious as to where he would have gone to.

"There's about a zero percent chance that JJ goes home," Pope answered without moving his gaze from the docks making Montana furrow her eyebrows. "Why?" She added to the conversation making the group turn to her hearing her finally speak, "He has his money for restitution, home is exactly where I'd go" She told them her reasoning and they all looked away in thought and Pope audibly gulped.

"You okay?" Montana heard John B ask Sarah and she was still annoyed at him like his best friend was clearly hurting and all he could think about was this gold, and yes she understood how much it meant to him and his father but he was missing what was happening with the people around him right now.

Pope began knocking on the windowsill "Okay. It's too dangerous to pawn this thing off piecemeal. So our best bet is to go down there and get the rest of it." He began pacing as the four watched him "Bring it all up at once. Put it in... in a safe or a vault or something. I... I don't know. Just until we can find someone who won't rip us off." He looked at them all before his eyes landed on Montana, "We can figure it out tonight, you can help right?" He asked the girl who really should have gone home if not to see her father to let herself catch up on the day they'd had but Pope was asking for help,

"Of course Popey" Montana grinned with a thumbs up, "We'll get it done, and we can be out there tomorrow morning." He turned his attention back to the unofficial pogue leader who seemed satisfied with the plan, "All right, let's do it."


"Let's go."

"What about that thing with my dad?" Now Sarah had caught their attention, what business did John B have with Mr Cameron? John B cursed under his breath before Pope questioned what exactly the girl had been talking about.

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