xx Mad dogged

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When Montana was a young girl her mother always taught her to treat others how she'd like to be treated and that's stuck with her through everything. She always smiles at people passing by and gives her time to help people less fortunate because she knows she grew up luckier than most. The Summers girl always gets a warm feeling in her stomach seeing the gratitude on people's faces when she gives them just a sliver of help and wishes she could give more. She knew her father didn't approve of her time on the cut or what she did with her money; it just confused her, when her mother was around he was all for it he would even lend a hand when he could. Now he was just a stone-hard shell of the kind man he used to be. 

After she had impressed the pogues on the waves they had all stayed out showing off for a while before Montana had to call it a day and head home. The group had invited her to join them today when they drop the drone. Although it pained the girl to do so, Montana had to politely decline again but told them to keep her updated as she was excited for them. Kiara had given her a lift home knowing it was their safest option. On their drive home, the girls discussed what movie they thought would be screening tomorrow night. It was a tradition for the girls to go together and create food babies with the amount of snacks they eat. This year would be no different. She had arrived at an empty house yet again and Montana didn't know why but a small part of her felt upset. Montana knew by the way their last interaction went she shouldn't hope for a better outcome with her father but she couldn't help it; she had done better. She had put away the groceries that had been delivered earlier that day before she crashed on her bed; the day had taken it out of her. 

Waking up to her name being screamed through her house wasn't how she expected to start her day off. Jolting up to a sitting position may not have been her best bet but being startled awake didn't give her much time to think. Blinking a few times, she rubbed her eyes to get the sleep out of them; pushing her arms out to stretch made a whine leave her lips. The hours of surfing had left Montana feeling clearer and at peace but it had left her body aching and her arm that Rafe and the 'square grouper' had targeted was definitely aching too. Montana brought her hand up to her face to examine her finger that she had re-taped last night once she got home, she squeezed it with her other hand, immediately wincing in pain before she pulled herself out of bed. Pulling on an old sweatshirt she had thrown on her floor some time ago Montana let out a yawn as she followed the booming of her name. 

"Montana Grace!" Her sleep-induced mind finally recognised her voice as that of her fathers and she quickened her pace down the stairs. She saw him at the door talking to who knows what and she crept towards them; pushing her hair down and trying to make herself appear like she hadn't just woken up. She tried to eavesdrop on them and figure out who had come knocking on her door at ten am on a Friday but just assumed it was either Mr Cameron or another one of her father's associates. 

After a few moments, her father turned around finally noticing his daughter's presence. "I don't appreciate being interrupted by knocking on my door while I'm trying to work Montana Grace," he said in a harsh hushed whisper that made the girl bow her head in shame. "And what on earth are you wearing, you look like you've just woken up" She wasn't sure why he was acting surprised, surely he had known she was still asleep if he was home all morning unless he assumed she had gone out. Seeing Montana make no attempt to defend his accusation he continued "Don't be rude Montana, greet your guest" he ordered her before disappearing upstairs to his office. She muttered a small sorry even though he couldn't hear it before she composed herself. Making her way to the door that was already cracked half open, she gave herself one last glance over frowning at the ratty state she was in before plastering on a smile and swinging open the door only to be met with an angry-looking Topper. Some nerve this boy had she thought; showing up at her doorstep after the way he and Rafe treated her and Pope yesterday. So Montana turned her smile into a challenging frown that matched the one he was wearing as she crossed her arms over her chest, screwing her eyes shut for a moment when she forgot about the pain in her arm. 

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