They became public in December after a year of hiding it, honeslty i'm so proud they managed it. Malena is just more excited she can finally go on real 'outside' dates as she calls it.

Sam and Louis were entranced in a heavy conversation when someone caught my eye.


"Jules?!" he exclaimed, a mildly confused smile on his face, a tall brunette clutched too his hand.

"Charlie!" i yelled, dropping my suitcase and slightly jogging over.

He took a step forwards and trapped me into a tight embrace. "charles i can't breathe" i chocked out.

"ah, mon ange im so sorry" he stepped back, making eye contact with his girlfriend.

"Alex, Hi i am Juliette" i smiled, holding a hand out. Her facial expression slightly dropped more, but she masked it by accepting my handshake.

"Charlie, this is Louis Partridge, my costar and Sammy Finnie, my friend/set assistant" i introduced them all.

"You must come with us to the hotel. i assume Lando got you booked into our? No?" i slightly winced.

"Lando?" i asked confused.
"Oh, i'm so sorry. I just assumed..." he paused.

"Which hotel are you staying at?" Sam asked, she was always very confident in the way she spoke.

"Saskia Circut Hotel" he smiled, "No way so are we" Sammy beamed, that increases chances of seeing him.

I'm not prepared.

Charles monitored my facial expression, "come on, ange, i promise i doubt your going to see him" he ushered us into his fancy Ferrari.

It felt like a family car, the thing was the size of my trailer.

"Thank you, Charlie" i smiled, he had helps us find our way to our rooms, i pulled him into a tight hug when i heart the elevator.

That's when my heart plummeted.

"I'll get going then, goodbye mon ange" he whispered, kissing the side of my cheek.

I had desperately tried to keep my cool, acting as if i hadn't seen him.

Unlocking my door i felt his presence behind me.

"Juliette?" he said softly.

I turned to meet his blue eyes, i could see every freckle and the face he was less tanned than before.

I dropped my bag at the door and used it kind of as a door stopper, i smiled slightly at the man infront of me.

"Norris" i said, holding my head high. Not feeding into any emotions he stirs in me.

"Norris now huh? I see" he shrugs, making his way to the end of the corridor and goes into his room.


Norris yeah good one Jules.

Sitting in my bed, i heard faint music, familiar music.

Instantly made me think of that night, the kissing Lando night.

This time i chose to ignore it. I'm not giving into it this time.

I need to protect him from me and me from him.

"Juliette, open please" I heard Sammys voice, followed by a few knocks.

Walking to the door i opened to see a very tipsy Sammy and a surprise friend.

"Danny?" i questioned, i don't know him well enough to be excited but he on the other hand looked like i handed him the best gift in the world.

"Juliette!!!" he yelled, surely Lando heard that.

"i'm so glad ur back" he said hugging my tightly, i just laughed.

This is so confusing.

He squeezed me slightly again and let me go, "Finally you can stop Lando moping around after you" he teased.

As if the Aussie man had summoned him, he appeared, practically crawling out his room, his face blotchy.

Had he been crying?.

"spoke too soon" Danny giggled, he's so wasted, and Sammy has a lot of explaining to do.

"Why don't you two get settled in my room, Danny make urself at home, great seeing you" i smiled kindly, shutting the door after they walk in.

Leaving me and Landos eyes staring, he slowly pushed himself off the wall and walked back into his room, slamming the door.

Not this time Norris.

I made my way to his room to have some words with him.

"Lando, open this door!" i yelled, using my palm to pat repeatedly on the door.

Then he opened it, "What Juliette, are you here to rub it in my face that your happy without me?" he practically broke trying to get his words out.

"Lan..." i cooed, pulling him by the collar to give me a hug.

"I'm so sorry Lando, but i assure you i was anything but happy" i whispered.

Until now.


so, context.

Sammy, really amazing friend of mine, love her. my real life/F1 buddy!! my fave.

She loves Danny Ric so i thought pairing her with him might be a great idea.

More context. Lando still dosent know about Jules and Louis yet.

For a heartbreaker he seems to have a heart.

anyways. I'm rlly tired now.


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