A Sinister Prelude

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Spider-Man was thrown into a car. He pushed himself up and looked at the corrupted Norman Osborn, now looking less like a human and more like a goblin creature on board a glider. In his arms was Gwen Stacy.

"You've been a nuisance to me for long enough!" Norman snarled.

"Norman, please think about this!" Spider-Man pleaded "you don't have to do this! Think about Harry!"

"Norman? Who is Norman? There is only the Goblin!" He cackled manically. Gwen stopped struggling and pulled from her pocket some pepper spray.

"I trust you." Spider-Man heard Gwen say and she sprayed Norman. He howled in rage and dropped her. Spider-Man had to save her. And fast.

"Gwen!" he darted towards her, ready to grab her only for the Goblin to recover quickly and slam him into the ground. Spider-Man fought for a bit but pulled away.

"SPIDER-MAN!" Gwen shrieked as she fell down the bridge. He couldn't catch Gwen in time. But maybe with his web shooters he could grab her.

He aimed the web shooters and fired.

Saber woke up. She was sleeping on the couch of Peter's apartment. Normally Servants would go into spirit form to regain power. However, she preferred sleeping in physical form.

Was that Peter's dream? Saber thought to herself. It wasn't uncommon for Masters to have dreams revolving around their Servants memories. But the other way around seemed absurd. Then and again not a lot of Servants actually sleep like she does.

"Morning." Saber saw a dark skinned woman in a white shirt and pajamas sitting in a chair behind the couch with a white mug that had the words "Cup of Fuckoffee" in bold followed by "One splash of no one cares, a dash of kiss my ass, add some fuck yous, a pinch of blow me, stir and shove it up your ass".

"Good morning, Ava. I hope I'm not intruding." Saber replied. Ava shrugged.

"Don't worry about it. You're not intruding on anything." Ava took a sip of her coffee "so you had a bad dream?"

"A bad dream? No, not quite." Ava raised her eyebrow as if she could see right through Saber.

"You were muttering in your sleep and I could see you visibly sweating. I was about to wake you up before you stirred."

"Servants do not dream. However because of my connection to my Mas-to Peter he'll see snippets of my memories in his sleep."

"And I'm guessing it works both ways?" Ava took another sip of her coffee. Saber shook her head.

"I shouldn't be. Like I said, Servants don't have dreams." Saber at her hands. "but...I saw Peter fighting some sort of green monster. And he was trying to save a girl. I think her name was-

"Gwen Stacy." Ava finished "her name was Gwen Stacy. Here let me get you a coffee."

Ava grabbed the coffee pot and took out a cup.

"What do you like? Black, cream, Splenda and skim?"

"Oh you don't need to do that." Saber said.

"No. But I want to. So long as you're not an addict like Sam is who goes through my coffee in two days!" She said the last part in a louder voice as if talking to someone else.

"Very well. I'll just have it without anything." Ava poured Saber some coffee into a white cup that had a man with sunglasses on it. Underneath the man said 'I came here to laugh at you'. Ava noticed Saber was looking at the cup.

"I think his name's Amuro or something like that." Ava said "it's from a show Sam watches. Gundam I think it's called?"

Saber said and took a sip of her coffee. It was hot and bitter. But it wasn't bad. Better than the coffee she had during the long battles.

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