Two Down...

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Peter had known Yuri for a long time. When he first started out as Spider-Man, she was the one police officer who thought he could be a useful ally to the NYPD. Whether it was Vulture, Rhino, Scorpion, Doc Ock or even higher level threats that endangered the world like Loki or Ultron, Yuri had always had his back. He'd go so far as to call them friends, even if it was just a professional friendship it was a friendship nonetheless.

And then Yuri watched Hammerhead killed all of her squad in front of her. And seeing something like that could break someone as strong as Yuri. She became a vigilante named Wraith. Her methods were too extreme and she had to be stopped multiple times. Still despite everything, Peter knew his friend was still in there.

And now she's dead. Sure Spider-Man lost an enemy. But he also lost a friend. It didn't feel possible. And yet here he was holding her body.

"Master?" Saber of Black said. Peter put his mask back on.

"Was there anyone else here?" he asked Saber.

"If there was, then I didn't see them." she said "I was to busy fighting Archer."

"Still. Yuri's a trained fighter. Someone else might've also been here to help Archer." Peter examined the wounds on Yuri's body. There were some stab wounds on the shoulder and right side of her chest. But there was also burn marks. One along her leg and back. They weren't fatal. That would be the sword mark through her chest.

"There was another person here. You probably didn't notice because you were fighting Archer of Red." Peter pulled out Spider-Bot.

"What is that?" Saber asked.

"A Spider's best friend." Peter placed down Spider-Bot and it crawled around, scanning the area until it finally came back and reattached to Peter's wrist. A hologram appeared from his wrist and recreated the event that he could see through his mask.

He watched a digital Saber fight a hologram of Archer. Yuri was supporting Saber, though her attacks weren't doing much to affect Archer of Red, Saber was still able to get in some hits.

And then a single blast of lightning hit Yuri right in the back. It looked like her suit took most of the damage and just as she turned around there was another lighting strike.

"Archer's Master" Peter said to himself.

Yuri turned and attacked the mysterious Master and even got a couple attacks in but eventually Archer of Red stabbed her with a sword from one of his portals. She collapsed to her knees and fell to the ground. Peter noticed Saber was looking at the holographic body of Yuri.

Peter looked at the area where Archer's Master attacked Yuri. He had Spider-Bot scan the area the Master was in.

"Looks like there's some residue of magic here." Spider-Man said "same as the magic on...Yuri's body. We're dealing with a sorcerer."

"I'm sorry, Master." Saber said "I should've been more aware."

"You don't have to apologize, Saber." Peter said. He was angry and hurt by Yuri's death. But getting angry wasn't going to do him any good. And it's not like Saber did anything wrong. She was trying her best.

"Still, I should've protected her. She was my Master. It was my job."

"If there's something I've learned as a hero, it's that beating yourself up over these things will get you nowhere."

"Scanning complete." Spider Bot said. Saber jumped when it spoke.

"Whoa what was that?" Saber said. Peter would've laughed if it wasn't for the situation they were in.

Fate: Link/MobiusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon