"I am not your mother."
He replied to her.

She sits up slowly and yawns, and looks at him blinking, her groggy it seems, and she says to him in a groggy smile.
"Good morning Sesshomaru."

"Good morning.
I will find you something to eat along the way of our journey, so get up now."
She gave him a confused expression

"Where are we going?"
She asked him.

"To return you home."
He replied to her.

"But I told you I wanted to stay by your side!
Why are you taking me back?!
Did I do something wrong?!"
She exclaimed at him, her seemingly upset it seemed.

"It is far too dangerous for you to be around me, since Naraku has tried to harm you, and because you look like this Kikyo person, I hardly doubt he will try again to harm you, so it's best I send you home into the safety net of your family."
Sesshomaru says to her.
"Though I wish you to stay, your safety matters more than what I desire."

She teared up.
"But I don't want to leave you!
I like it here!"

He then took her right hand, and pulled her into a hug, and she sobbed into his chest plate of his armor.
"I know you do, but your safety is more important."
He murmurs into her neck, her scent was the sweetest thing he has ever had hit his senses.

"I really don't want to leave, so can you just protect me?
I really want to stay!
I'll try to help you beat Naraku's ass!"
She says to him, and he sighs ino her dark hair.
"Anyways I want to clip his balls off myself for trying to murder me with that one guy, that Muso guy.
And sending his demons after me, that resulted in me going missing, and me having to rely on Koga to survive."

"Those incidents are why I have to send you away, because I care if you are ever harmed."
Sesshomaru mutters in her right ear, and he watched her shiver when he did that.

You care whether I am hurt or not?
Why do you care?
Jaken mentioned you hated humans, so why am I different?"
She asked him, her sobbing this out in his chest plate of his armor, her hiding her face within his furry creamy colored pelt.

"I just do is all I will say."
He says to her, him blushing madly he could tell, since his cheeks burned ever so hotly.
"I would never forgive myself if something happened to you, and I do not know the reason why."
He admits more to her.
"So adhere to my whims for once."

"I don't get it, but truly I don't want to go back.
People back home treat me differently than you do.
Some people don't believe that I am blind.
Some people torment people that are blind too.
Here I don't have that issue because of you."
She says to him, and he could tell she was not fibbing, and that she was worried about going back, and no doubt worried about being bullied for her being blind.
Then she asked him.
"Can you visit if you could?"

"I doubt the well you came out of will allow me to pass through it, so I think not."
Sesshomaru admits to her, him being honest that he doubts the well will allow him to pass through to her homeland.

"You can try at least, and if you cannot pass through, then I can visit."
She retorts back gently.

"The whole purpose in sending you back is so you will not be harmed, yet you want to come back, you are a foolish girl."
He gently scolds her, and dove his nose into her neck, and inhaled her scent once more that smelled of green tea, cucumbers, and aloe vera.
"If this world of mine was not so cruel I would not have to send you away."
He says more into her neck.
"I am sending you back and that's final."

"Will you miss me?"
She asked him, him realizing she was curious if he will miss her.

You are pleasant to have around I highly admit."
Sesshomaru admits honestly to her.
"We should head to the village where the well is."

The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Love Story {18+}Where stories live. Discover now