Chapter 25

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Amidst our FaceTime call, Travis delved into the chaos of his office, and I couldn't contain my laughter. The playful banter between us echoed through the screen as he rummaged through the mess.

"So, you're sure about this?" Travis quipped, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he scanned the scattered papers around him.

"Yeah, I'm good with it," I responded, a grin playing on my lips, thoroughly enjoying our light-hearted exchange.

Travis, with his teasing tone, persisted, "Promise?"

"Seriously, Travis. I promise," I reassured him, the hint of playful exasperation evident in my voice.

Amid the clutter, Travis's face lit up as if he had struck gold, and he flashed a triumphant grin, suggesting he'd found what he was looking for.

In the span of a few hours, my inbox swelled with notifications, each bearing a link to Travis's latest podcast episodes. My curiosity peaked, and I eagerly clicked through each one. The descriptions were a delightful blend of our recent date and my SNL appearance, skillfully crafted with Travis's distinctive comedic touch. I found myself chuckling at how effortlessly he intertwined our personal experiences into his podcast content, transforming everyday occurrences into entertaining narratives.

I found myself compelled to text Travis from the back of my car:

Tay: Why did I forget this was going to take up my inbox?

Trav: IDK why are you asking me

Tay: Because I want to

Trav: You busy

Tay: I am on my way to the dance studio

Trav: How long?

Tay: 15 ish

As I tapped away on my phone, sending these texts, a familiar FaceTime call notification popped up, and I couldn't help but smile at the predictability of it all. I answered, playfully teasing, "You really are obsessed with me, aren't you, Kelce?"

Travis appeared on the screen, lounging comfortably on his couch, a grin playing on his face. "You picked up, Swift," he chuckled.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to maintain a light tone but also curious about the sudden call.

Travis's demeanor softened as he leaned closer to the screen. "I wanted to tell you I've found a perfect home for us, and I've put an offer in," he shared, genuine sincerity coloring his words. However, unexpectedly, a wave of frustration swept through me at his announcement, and he immediately picked up on it.

Travis explained, detailing the features of the potential home, "If you don't want to live there, that's fine. But it's safer than my current house and not as extravagant as most we looked at. It's got 24/7 security."

I sighed, deeply conflicted. Travis had gone above and beyond, considering every detail I'd expressed about a potential home. "Thank you," I managed, a solitary tear escaping down my cheek.

His response was tender and unwavering, "I would do anything for you, Taylor. You know that."

"I love you, Trav," I confessed, my voice quivering with emotion, a mixture of love, gratitude, and inner turmoil.

"I love you too, Princess," he replied, the affection in his voice resonating deeply with me, a comforting assurance in the midst of my uncertainty.

As I glanced out of the window, the familiar studio building loomed larger, marking the beginning of my rehearsal routine. "I have to go," I murmured, feeling the weight of the impending rehearsal and the looming tour.

"Okay love, text me later," Travis replied, his warmth palpable through the screen before we disconnected. His words lingered, offering comfort and a promise of connection despite the physical distance between us.

Stepping out of the car, I adjusted my bag and headed towards the studio entrance. The air buzzed with anticipation; there was a sense of both excitement and nostalgia that came with these spaces. Rehearsals were my sanctuary, a place to immerse myself in the music and the artistry.

There was a sense of urgency in the air; the upcoming tour added a layer of pressure to make every session count. The routine was familiar yet tinged with the anticipation of a new chapter about to unfold.

With just under a month before hitting the road again, every moment within those studio walls felt precious. The dance routines, the vocal exercises, and the camaraderie with the team—it all added to the anticipation of what lay ahead on the tour.

Entering the studio, the familiar sights and sounds enveloped me. The next few hours were dedicated to meticulous rehearsals, ensuring every beat, every step, and every note was perfect.

call it what you want | Taylor Swift X Travis KelceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ