Chapter 38

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Two days of birthday celebrations commenced with a flight to LA to see Selena. She'd orchestrated a cozy get-together, a mix of family, old friends, and some low-profile friends and a few who couldn't make it to New York on the 13th. For this occasion, I opted for a more casual outfit, reserving the dress I had brought specifically for my birthday for tomorrow's plans in New York.

The moment my plane touched down, I headed straight for Selena's house. Even though the gathering wasn't slated for another three hours, I had planned to spend a few extra hours with her. It felt like an eternity since I'd last seen her, despite it only being a few months. The eagerness to catch up and relish in the comfort of familiar company.

The evening unraveled in a beautiful calmness, a serene ambiance that wrapped us in warmth. As we settled, conversation flowed effortlessly, interlaced with laughter and tales from the past. Sipping on wine, the mellow tunes that filled the room painted a nostalgic backdrop for our reminiscing.

Reconnecting with old friends always felt like uncovering forgotten treasures, their presence casting a comforting familiarity that spanned the years. We swapped stories, shared aspirations, and giggled at anecdotes from our younger days, relishing every moment.

The night gradually drew to a close, and as if to crown the evening with an endearing touch, Selena appeared, balancing a homemade cake adorned with meticulously hand-frosted designs. Thirteen glowing candles flickered atop the cake, their flames dancing in the dim-lit room, marking the occasion with an aura of heartfelt celebration.

With the passage of time and the shift in time zones, the dawn welcomed us as we descended towards New York. The city slowly came into view, a sprawl of twinkling lights announcing the early morning awakening. The landing was smooth, and as I made my way to my residence, the city was already bustling with the energy of a new day.

Stepping into my apartment around 11 in the morning, I felt the coziness of familiarity envelop me. The sense of home welcomed me back, the space tinged with memories of our shared moments. It was almost second nature for me to reach for my phone, eager to reconnect with Travis after the night's travels.

The screen lit up with Travis's familiar face as he answered my FaceTime call. His voice greeted me with a warmth that transcended the digital divide. "Hi love," he said, his eyes sparkling through the screen.

I settled down on the plush comfort of my couch, the familiar surroundings of my New York apartment cocooning me in a sense of belonging. "How are the cats?" I inquired, eager for updates on our feline companions.

Travis chuckled on the other end of the call, the sound resonating through the speaker. "They're good," he replied, the affection in his voice evident even through the pixels on the screen.

"How's everything there?"

Travis glanced around his living room, where the cats lounged in the background. "All good, just here holding down the fort with your children."

I chuckled. "Miss them already. How was practice?"

"Intense as always," Travis replied, a hint of fatigue in his voice. "But it's worth it."

I nodded. "I'm sure you're killing it out there. Wish I could've been there."

"Next time, for sure," Travis assured me. "How was the flight?"

"Long, but I'm settled back in the New York place now," I said, glancing around my familiar apartment.

"You look tired," Travis observed. "Did you get any sleep?"

I sighed. "Not enough, but I'm hanging in there. I miss you, though."

"I miss you more," Travis chuckled softly. "I've got a surprise waiting for you when you're back here."

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