Chapter 15

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Travis's POV

"I have a game on the 1st if you want to come?" I said, breaking the tranquil ambience of Taylor's living room. Her cats roamed freely as Taylor focused on her laptop, and I scrolled through my phone.

"We could go out after?" I suggested, peering up from my phone to catch her gaze.

"Why not?" She laughed, her eyes lighting up. "Can I play you something?" She inquired, setting her laptop down on the coffee table.

"Of course," I responded, intrigued, as she rose from her seat. She walked past me, leaving a fleeting peck on my cheek.

Returning a few minutes later with a notebook and one of her guitars, she settled back onto the couch. "You're not allowed to be mean about it; I wrote it this morning," she teased, flashing a playful smile.

"I promise," I assured her as she began to strum the guitar, a melodic rhythm soon filling the room.

She started singing, the lyrics a mix of soft murmurs and poignant verses. Amidst the mumbles, a beautiful love song emerged, with hints that made it evident this was about us.

"You sound so beautiful," I complimented her, feeling the music resonate within me. She set the guitar aside, scooting closer and resting her head on my chest.

I appreciated the sanctuary of Taylor's apartment. Here, amidst these walls, we could be ourselves, free from prying eyes and judgments. Nights spent together were devoid of worries, allowing us to share moments akin to any other couple—date nights, laughter, and intimacy. Inside her apartment, we were just us.

But outside these walls, the world changed. Cameras, scrutiny, and the unyielding gaze of the public eye awaited us. We could act like a normal couple here, cocooned in the warmth of her space, but the moment we stepped beyond her apartment's threshold, our lives transformed into a public spectacle.

As we sat there, enveloped in the serenity of Taylor's home, I traced circles on her back, feeling the rise and fall of her breath against me.

Taylor sighed softly, her fingers idly tracing patterns on my shirt. "It's strange, isn't it? How we can have this... this bubble here, and then outside, it's a whole different world."

"It's like living in two different realities," I mused, running my fingers through her hair.

She gazed up at me, emotions flickering in her eyes. "I wish we could just have this, without the constant scrutiny. Without the world dissecting every move we make."

"It would be nice," I agreed, longing for that sense of normalcy. "But we knew what we were getting into."

Taylor shifted, her gaze drifting to the muted TV in the corner. "I did, but it's different when you're actually living it. When every moment feels like it's under a microscope."

"I know," I said softly, my heart aching at the weight she carried. "I am not going anywhere, you handle it so well."

A wistful smile touched her lips. "I try. Some days are just harder than others."

Leaning closer, I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I am right here, princess. I am here even on the hard days, you know that."

Her eyes met mine, a softness in her gaze. "Thank you," she whispered, and I placed a small but loving kiss on her lips.

In that moment, amid the sanctum of her apartment, we found solace in each other's presence. The world outside might demand our attention, but within these walls, we were simply two souls seeking refuge in a love untouched by the outside chaos.

call it what you want | Taylor Swift X Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now