Chapter 5

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Taylor's POV

The 13th arrived sooner than expected, and I found myself caught up in a whirlwind of continuous texts with Travis. It was the little things we shared, the trust building between us in a way I'd never experienced before.

While our schedules kept us from meeting in person, our calls and FaceTime sessions created a deep connection that felt almost surreal. Every text from him brought a sense of euphoria that was hard to explain.

As I prepared to leave the studio, Tree called me, her voice echoing through the speakerphone.

"Hey, love, wanted to check up on you before tonight," she said, and I continued packing my things while we talked.

"I'm fine, ready for this. You were right about me not being ready with Matty, but I am ready for this. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work," I assured her.

"Look, you know I have to tell you to be careful. Please take your time, or at least, take your time before making this public," she cautioned. I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"I will, I know," I promised as I grabbed my belongings.

"Text me later, okay?" Tree said before we ended the call.

Exiting the studio, I hopped into my car, where my driver awaited to take me to my New York apartment. There was something about the city's vibe that held a special place in my heart.

Once at my apartment, I changed into a simple yet flattering outfit—a short skirt paired with a blouse. Sitting at my vanity, I reapplied my makeup and tidied up my hair.

I set the table with my finest glasses and a bottle of wine, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. As I finished arranging everything, a buzz signaled his arrival. I let him in, my nerves intensifying. Waiting for him to reach my apartment felt like an eternity and a blink of an eye simultaneously. Suddenly, a knock echoed at the door. Even though I anticipated it, the sound startled me. I removed the deadbolt and unlocked the main lock.

"Hi," he greeted, holding out a bouquet of roses. My face warmed, and there was no hiding it.

"Thank you," I said, taking the flowers and placing them in a vase.

"They look so beautiful," he complimented as I led him into the dining room.

"Thank you," I replied, feeling like a teenager conversing with her crush.

"You look so beautiful; I didn't know we were dressing up," he added, causing the blush on my face to deepen. The evening was unfolding like a scene from a fanfiction story, and I couldn't wait to see where it would lead.

Dinner commenced, a blend of awkward small talk and shared smiles. Travis and I navigated through the initial discomfort, finding common ground in our love for music, shared experiences from the concert, and laughter that seemed to bridge the gap effortlessly.

As the evening progressed, the air between us shifted, becoming more relaxed. The initial nerves faded away, leaving room for a genuine connection to blossom. We moved from the dining room to the cozy living area, where the soft glow of city lights filtered through the windows.

Travis took a moment to appreciate the view, and I couldn't help but notice how the ambient light accentuated the contours of his face. A sense of warmth enveloped us, and I felt a magnetic pull drawing us closer.

We settled onto the plush couch, leaving a comfortable yet tantalizing gap between us. Conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by shared laughter and lingering glances that hinted at something unspoken.

In the gentle ambiance of the room, Travis reached for my hand, his fingers interweaving with mine. The touch sent a shiver down my spine, and I met his gaze, finding an intensity mirrored in his eyes.

"Taylor," he began, his voice soft and sincere, "there's something about you that feels different, special."

A tender smile played on my lips. "You feel it too?"

He nodded, his eyes never leaving mine. The distance between us diminished as he leaned in, and I felt my heart race in anticipation. The air crackled with the electric energy of a moment about to unfold.

Our lips met in a soft, tentative kiss, a delicate dance of vulnerability and desire. It felt like the culmination of a journey that started with a podcast mention and led to this intimate connection. Time seemed to stand still as we embraced the magic of that first kiss.

As we pulled away, the room seemed to buzz with a newfound energy. Travis and I exchanged a wordless understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the uncharted territory we had just stepped into. 

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