Chapter 35

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A/N hope yall had an amazing christmas, this chapter is a lot shorter than the last one. but I think it is some of my best work personally.

I was also thinking or making a smut oneshot book but want to know what you think

Preparing three cats for a private jet journey was a scene in itself, almost as elaborate as planning for a world tour. Each feline needed their essentials: Meredith, the serene royal, lounged regally in her carrier, unperturbed by the bustling activity. Benjamin, my inquisitive explorer, intermittently peeked out, keen on inspecting the luxurious jet surroundings. Yet, Olivia, the sensitive and skittish soul, huddled in her carrier, emitting soft, anxious mews.

The private jet's cabin was a mix of curiosity and admiration from the onboard crew. Some wore warm smiles, sharing stories about their own pets; others observed with intrigue as the trio of cats received individual attention from the flight attendants.

Navigating the plush interiors with three carriers and personal items was a juggling act, especially when Olivia's unease intensified. I wished for a magic touch to calm her frayed nerves.

Moving the cats to Kansas was an ordeal. Typically, during tours, my mom took charge of their care in New York, making it easier for me. Now, with the decision to relocate to Kansas, their lives shifted too.

Every detail had to be accounted for: their favorite toys, comforting blankets, and even the subtlest changes to their environment. Meredith, the epitome of grace, lounged in her carrier as if she'd been born to travel. Benjamin, always curious, eyed every corner of the carrier and beyond, his wide eyes taking in the new surroundings. But Olivia, the delicate one, was visibly distressed by the change.

Arranging their travel on the private jet meant ensuring their comfort was paramount. The flight attendants, curious and eager to assist, provided a kind distraction. However, Olivia's unease was palpable, evident in her plaintive cries and anxious demeanor.

For me, it was more than a logistical challenge—it was ensuring their well-being, adjusting to their stress, and balancing my own anticipation of the upcoming move. But seeing them safe in their carriers, amid the luxurious jet interior, brought a sense of accomplishment.

As we soared through the sky, my heart swelled with both apprehension and excitement for our new life in Kansas, accompanied by my three beloved companions.

As the private jet descended towards Kansas, my heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. Touching down in this familiar yet now deeply significant place marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

Stepping off the plane, I immediately searched the crowd for Travis. Spotting him, a rush of joy surged through me, making me eager to reunite. Our embrace felt like a warm embrace amidst the flurry of emotions.

"Hey, beautiful," Travis greeted me with a wide grin, drawing me into his arms. "Missed you."

"Missed you more," I replied, feeling a sense of comfort wash over me.

Together, we made our way toward our new home—a beautiful house that held the promise of our shared dreams. My three cats, Meredith, Benjamin, and Olivia, seemed curious yet cautious as they explored the unfamiliar surroundings.

Travis chuckled at their antics, and then extended a hand to me. "Ready to make this place our own?"

I smiled, feeling reassured by his touch. "Absolutely."

As I unpacked my clothes and placed them neatly in the closet of our new home, I chatted with Travis about the house's layout. "I think this room will look great with a bit of decoration," I said, organizing my favorite dresses on the hangers. "What do you think?"

Travis leaned against the doorframe, watching me with a smile. "I trust your decorating skills. You've got an eye for this stuff."

I chuckled, placing a few trinkets and photographs on the nightstand. "I can't wait to add our personal touches to each room. It'll feel like home in no time."

He walked over, examining the nightstand. "Looks like you're making it cozy already."

I nodded, feeling the excitement building up. "It's a start. I'm just glad we're finally settling in here together."

I stood in the middle of our new kitchen, surrounded by the hollowness of empty cupboards and scattered boxes. Travis and I exchanged a knowing look, acknowledging the lack of groceries and the absence of our culinary skills for the night.

"Our kitchen isn't quite ready for our chef talents," I teased, glancing around the almost bare countertops.

Travis chuckled, eyeing the quietness of the kitchen. "Looks like we'll be taking a rain check on cooking tonight."

Our cats, Meredith and Benjamin, eagerly explored the open spaces, already making themselves at home in their new environment.

"They seem to be telling us something," I joked, watching the cats' curious antics. "I think they're hinting at dinner."

Travis nodded, amused by the feline's exploration. "Looks like they're already comfortable here."

"Shall we order in?" I suggested, reaching for my phone. "I'm thinking comfort food tonight."

Travis grinned. "Pizza?"

"Pizza sounds like the perfect choice," I agreed, scrolling through nearby restaurants.

As we decided on our favorite pizza joint, Meredith leaped onto the countertop, almost as if she was giving her opinion on the matter. Travis arched an eyebrow, looking over at our mischievous cat.

"I think Meredith has her preferences," I quipped, gently patting her back.

"It's settled then," Travis laughed. "Pizza it is!"

We placed our order, chatting about our plans for the house, while Meredith and Benjamin explored every corner.

"It feels like a good start," I remarked, leaning against the kitchen island. "A new home, new beginnings."

Travis nodded, taking my hand. "Absolutely. And plenty of room for your cats."

I sank into the plush couch, a slice of warm pizza in hand, the enticing aroma filling the air. Travis settled beside me, holding his own slice, a contented smile gracing his lips.

"Cheers to our first meal in our new home," I said, raising my slice playfully.

Travis chuckled, clinking his pizza against mine. "To new beginnings."

my cats, Meredith and Benjamin, couldn't resist the temptation of the cheesy scent, lingering nearby with curious eyes fixated on our dinner.

"You guys want some pizza too?" Travis teased, earning an enthusiastic meow in response.

I tore off a small piece of crust, offering it to Meredith, who delicately nibbled on the treat. Benjamin wasn't far behind, joining the pizza party with equal excitement.

"They sure know how to appreciate a good meal," I laughed, watching our furry friends devour their unexpected treat.

Travis nodded, grinning at my playful companions. "They're definitely living their best lives."

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